Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Forecast: Wednesday, Thursday, early Friday

Sun in Leo and Moon in Taurus, 2012

Beginning Wednesday 8 August at 12:29a PT | 3:29a ET | 7:29a UT
through Thursday 9 August
/moon goes void-of-course Thursday at 11:56a PT | 2:56p ET | 6:56p UT
until Luna enters Gemini Friday 10 at 1:12p PT | 4:12p ET | 8:12p UT


It seems to be a time for honesty. "Anything more than the truth would be too much." I used to repeat that to myself when I was trying to understand the reality, or the delusion, behind astrology and occultism. During this time you see into plots, schemes, and others' misconceptions. And you are not patient with your own when you detect them.

It could be a very good gardening time. If you don't do that, you may yet appreciate the beauties of the kingdom of plants, trees and flowers.

You are determined not to fall under the influence of anyone who might end up hurting you. This does not have to be paranoia but can be wise foresight of when and when not to associate with anyone. You protect yourself by concentration, which is a form of magic. When you have made the right choice there can be exhilaration within a group or a loose company of strangers.

You can go where you need to go without trouble. You feel you have a reputation or image to maintain and enjoy doing so. You will merely dismiss any who have been unkind or rude.

If honors you expected have been snatched from you, for reasons you cannot understand, you can still remain content with what you have. You see selfishness in others, not so easily in yourself, but we all seem to have our particular brand of it. You know how to find comfort for yourself at least.

{Wednesday, Thursday, early Friday} /Comfort\

Cosmic Piper

P. S. Please remember to re-read the previous forecast, for the time period in which you are reading this, if this future forecast does not "connect" with you. Often the meaning of a forecast does not become clear until the final hours of the period for which it is intended. I thought I had failed with the previous forecast until I re-read it near the end of the period and saw its deep relevance.

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