Monday, March 28, 2022

Message for Tuesday 29 March 2022

 Tuesday 29 March 2022

~Open to Receive Truth~

Moon in Pisces
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 12:57p PT |  3:57p ET | 7:57p UT

We can be grateful for even a small diminishment in the harshness of both Venus and Mars conjoining Saturn, in that planet's own sign.  The diniminshmnt has to do with their moving away from a concurrent square with Uranus, which has made things even more harsh and divisive (see the state of attempted war negotiations as well as situations in your own life).  "A beaver at work upon a tree overhanging a gorge" is a good Saturn symbol.  The beaver is admirably industrious and diligent, planning to use the felled tree for building, but all depends on the direction in which it falls.  We do what we can and trust fate.  Charubel reports that he is "above the earth, seeing the sun ascending above the horizon" which should show that there is "a man, yet greater than a man, who has a world mission."  Heaven knows we need him.  

The Venus-Saturn conjunction makes us suspicious of people, or disappointed in their failings, so that we may see someone as "a man unmasked."  This speaks to me because this was also a symbol for Monday and I am, on Monday, extremely frustrated with two public figures and three news commentators who seem to be failing drastically to say much that makes sense.  They are "unmasking" themselves, that is, revealing some of their true colors.  I shall listen to them in the future, but with more wariness.  Dr. Jones says that this degree could be "a demand that each person make a public accounting of himself whenever the general welfare requires it."  So it would seem.  Maybe we should get our information instead from "a large glass ball or globe, capable of receiving the images of the stars in space as well as reflecting the panorama of the earth."  That globe is, I believe, the charts of our solar system I study daily for these reports.  One ought to have "a mind open to receive truth, reflecting the truth in one's daily life.  One will then be scrupulously just and honorable, perhaps a great seer or naturalist."  Transparent truths are essential to reduce the miasma of confused opinions.

"I see green everywhere; every object is a dull green.  At the same time everything is on the move" says Charubel.  That sounds like the "greening of Spring" or maybe the Emerald City of Oz.  We seek rest but find little because also seeking a goal which is as far off as before.  What could help?  "An old-fashioned lantern.  A man with one in his hand is walking in darkness."  "He finds his way out of every difficulty guided by a divine instinct, having an implicit faith in those religious truths taught and practised by his forefathers."  

{Tuesday}  ~Open to Receive Truth~

Cosmic Piper

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