Sunday, March 6, 2022

Message for Monday 7 March 2022

 Monday 7 March 2022

\Adventuresome Yet Careful/

Moon in Taurus
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us until very late Tuesday

"A large hollow tree covered with moss" is said to be an archaic, romantic degree, indicating one who will outlive the other members of his or her family, and so there are secret crevices of old memories.  "A military officer mounted on a fine-looking charger, with sword in hand, on the top of a hill as if on look-out" is evidently appropriate in regard to current events.  It suggests competent military strategy.

However, one successful strategy may involve an opposing unsuccessful one, and we have "a horse and its rider falling at a fence."  This could be tanks, artillery or aircraft.  "He will be adventuresome and headstrong, and will pursue his course regardless of consequences.  To some, calamity will come through transgression of the law."  To prevent this there is "a book on which stand a compass and an hourglass."  Laws of nature can be discovered, even now, through philosophic or scientific investigation, and they could "annihilate the elements of space (compass) and time (hourglass) to a considerable degree."  That is, make consummations readily available. 

"An unexpected thunderstorm" is "a symbol of nature's potentialities as they lie beyond any individual control" and "the tendency of all things to com to some dramatic head."  This may seem like "an accidental convergence of relations in some climax of experience."  It can, however, be "creative opportunism, shaping things to a desired end."  Then we are in "a gigantic tent" representative of "the circus as an utterly naïve intensification of self-consciousness."  There are "moments of true excitement or total sharing of skills and risks."   Large, multiple  experience is apportioned happily within three rings.   

{Monday}  /Adventuresome Yet Careful\

Cosmic Piper

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