Saturday, March 26, 2022

Message for Sunday 27 March 2022

 Sunday 27 March 2022

}Awakening of Human Resolution?{

Moon in Aquarius
|Karmcally serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us (until Tuesday near noon)

The familiar story of Mars and Venus both moving close to Saturn remains, and today and tomorrow that is exacerbated by Luna moving toward them while square to Uranus, to which they are also squared by normal orb.  This is not comfortable.  "A mounted Indian with scalp locks" could be, of course, a Russian or Ukrainian or American or . . .  There is "pride in personal prowess" and "capacity for gaining and administering authority among men."  But when opponents are both in command of their forces, then what?  "An unimpeachable control over life through a discipline of the self and its powers" sounds good, but there are two or more "selves" claiming power here and the possible use of horrific, even nuclear, weapons, which would be suicidal.  It is time to give up those "scalp locks," or we could have, not just "a man lying wounded or sick upon the ground," but millions.  Is there "moral apathy, mental ineptitude and weakness"?  I would say, if so, it is the apathy of those who are in positions to secure peace talks and real negotiations to save our planet and our humanity, but not doing so.  Blustering that one could demolish an enemy, when it means demolishing oneself as well, is "moral ineptitude."  

Maybe there is "a man in a very dark room, sitting at a table, with books, papers and mathematical instruments distributed about him promiscuously" who could bring about a peaceful settlement.  He has "great powers of concentration, yet owing to some peculiarity of temper, he will never benefit himself by his studies."  Maybe what is needed is a little common humanity, such as displayed by "a little white lamb, a child, and a Chinese servant."  These represent "scattered divisions of labor."  "Nothing acts alone or persists in a vacuum."  We need to find "an integrating significance throughout our experience and draw it to a single focus."  Who has unemployed talents for bringing about a desperately needed peaceful resolution?  

Fortunately "a watchdog is standing guard."  Let us hope this is someone capable of preventing disaster, on one or both sides of the conflict, or an intermediary, someone acting under the inspiration of the Supreme (Who, let us believe, still cares about the future of humanity).  "Community integrity" involves "co-operative activity such as will stimulate the highest response from all."  The keyword is Probity, or integrity and faithfulness to ideals.  "A large hat with streamers flying, facing east" is "naive creativity" enabling us to "realize and utilize the ever-emerging novelties and variations of human relationships."  This could even lead to an excitation of good will in those considered opponents.  

{Sunday}  {Awakening of Human Resolution?}

Cosmic Piper

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