Sunday, March 21, 2010

Forecast for Monday 22 March 2010

Sunday 21 March 2010

}Mission Possible (Even if Stressful){

Somehow I feel yellow is a Gemini color, probably more yellow than this (but that is hard to read). Today the moon is in that sign. (It was there Sunday also.)

People are involved with serious concerns and important business. You are sensing how to proceed with practical career matters and working out strategies for that, as well as means of communication with customers, clients, supervisors and partners.

Today and Tuesday comprise the |difficult third of the week| but I would say that this time it is good for business and strategy, planning and even consultation, although it is important to keep in mind that everyone is busy and stressed so you need to avoid pushing buttons or annoying anyone. What is crucial should get attention; the rest left behind for now.

You do not need to miss your calling, or relax so much into inconsequential matters that you miss precious moments to be devoted to what you need to do and say among those important to your future. It might be frightening to be in a public position, but it would be more distressing if you avoided that, because you are needed there. By filling that need you fulfill yourself. It is not a time to hide your abilities.

At the same time, rashness is to be avoided. The moon's square with Uranus (as well as Saturn) means that people's nerves may be frayed or they may not be able to bear much in terms of your fresh viewpoint. Still, you have to state it or make it as clear as you can. You can use your discretion as to when it is wise to speak up, and how much. People appreciate honesty but not rashness. What you have to communicate is difficult enough for them to assimilate, so you should present it politely and gently.

Peace, harmony, and luxury are available, at the right times and places. Someone you respect, a woman (or man with great charm), enfolds you kindly, giving you to know that all is well.

You are devoted to someone or some group at a distance. You are aware of potential quarrels which need to be fended off or prevented through foresight and preparation.

You are inquisitive about places to be, live, or visit. If considering a new home you would be very careful about every detail; getting all the facts and negotiating every factor involved. If considering travel you want to be sure no one gets hurt and accommodations along the way are suitable.

Research or discovery could bring you renown.

{Monday} {Mission Possible (Even if Stressful)}

Cosmic Piper

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