Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Forecast for Thursday 4 August 2011

Thursday 4 August 2011

}Essentials Are Enough{

Looking backward is natural during a Dark Hermetic Epoch (until September 10). This is helpful because it restores your powers through memories of what you have accomplished and learned. Memory can be the backward pull of the bow being readied to unleash the arrow. But please, take your time pulling and especially aiming. It is probably better to wait.

Simplicity and childlikeness are your right at this time, because they release you from too many worries which would circle around and deplete your energy. It is better to be enchanted by the immediate present than to fret, unless your fretting has immediate value for reorientation.

It is a contemplative time. We all want to be worthy and achieve something, but we need periods of review and renewal. This is one of them. You can see what you already know, and what you have done or failed to do, with fresh eyes. Your limitations were, but do not have to be, for they are a springboard. Resources seem limited, but when your vision is fresh as a child's you easily make do with what is available.

The solitary trend mentioned yesterday continues, but you don't mind because within yourself you are constant in your hopes and intentions, so you feel solid ground no matter how long it takes to bring about what you wish.

People accuse one another of indolence and greed. The wealthy see shiftless parasites everywhere. The poverty-stricken or jobless see the wealthy as the parasites on the economy. Too often it's "every man for himself," although this does bring out self-reliance. Self-reliance gone wrong, however, is crime. The line can be fine. Noble natures aid even the parasitic, seeing that in some ways their helplessness is endemic. Yet is is well for the dependent to try to assume more responsibility for their well-being. In this paragraph is an answer to the battle between Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives.

Mercury turned retrograde late Tuesday (8:51p PT | 11:51p ET | 3:51a[W] UT). This is the heart of the Dark Hermetic Epoch, lasting until that planet turns direct on August 26 in a little more than three weeks. It accentuates what I pointed out in the 12 points posted a few days ago.

The moon is void-of-course all day, as it was Tuesday. (A) it is better not to blame oneself for logjams or lassitude or "nothing working." (B) It is also better to avoid too-easy flaking off from responsibilities. The middle course means taking it easy while being reasonably careful to keep up with essentials. Choosing what is essential is part of the process.

{Thursday} {Essentials Are Enough}

Cosmic Piper

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