Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Forecast for Thursday 18 August 2011

Thursday 18 August 2011

*Past Obstruction through Cleverness and Insight*

Figuring things out is one focus. That includes both practical, work-related matters and intellectual matters of study. Some foci of attention are in abeyance so others can come forward.

At a practical level you remain steadfast, insisting on "getting it right" when it comes to job and other endeavors. This requires patience: satisfying when done sincerely.

At a more informal level there are theatrics and coquetry. Some lightly pretend to be what they are not, with no harm in that when it is a release. Individuality can be itself more fully when it assumes the identities of others in a clever way.

Obstructions could hold you back if you give too much attention to temptations. Escapist entertainment is all right, up to a point. But forcing your way with people has its dangers. One cannot destroy and create at the same time. Impatient emotional reactions may be self-deceived. It is better to contain impatient fury until it finds a harmless outlet.

When stymied, or unsure, you can take time to recuperate. You could find the spiritual power in the hidden significance of things which happen, even those disturbing at first. This gives you an expanded dimension of understanding and therefore of control.

Clowning is satisfying at times, when it lets people transcend their limitations by highlighting them in a laughable manner. There are shifts going on from day to day which seem confusing (especially while Mercury is retrograde for another week), but you can look for the hidden positive in what seems negative. Then there is a dawn of fresh potentials and renewed hope.

{Thursday} *Past Obstruction through Cleverness and Insight*

Cosmic Piper

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