Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Forecast for Wednesday 10 August 2011

Wednesday 10 August 2011

\Untangling Tangles; then Waiting/

There is a foolish tendency while Mercury is retrograde, but the problem is that one cannot usually know if oneself is the fool or someone else, or both. One runs in circles, and makes mistakes of judgment (witness the stock market, with investors not knowing what to do, the ink changing from red to green to red in the space of a half hour; and the riots in London). One can at least try to be convivial with other human beings.

People can be imitative, mocking, or hypocritical; appearing to be what they are not. This is not always because of conscious posing or dishonesty, just that they are not really sure where they stand. There can be recuperation in the midst of difficulties because you refuse to let them take over your whole life and consciousness.

That might be especially true after 1:35p PT | 4:35p ET | 8:35p UT, when the moon will be void-of-course for the rest of today and all of Thursday. It is important to avoid making any disastrous decisions then, or offending anyone uselessly. Quietude and waiting could be the best policy in case after case.

People are trying to be meticulous about money and the effort obviously is not easy in the current economy. At moments of escape one may go the other way and be gaudily profligate as a way of restoring confidence.

There could be links with people at a distance, not simple but complex and potentially confusing, so it is well to be sure people are communing with one another in a positive way so that tangles can be untangled. People are wary, not forgetting injuries from the past and wanting to protect themselves from more of them; yet they are hoping for something constructive. Simple honest realism might help.

{Wednesday} /Untangling Tangles; then Waiting\

Cosmic Piper

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