Thursday, August 25, 2011

Forecast for Friday 26 August 2011

Friday 26 August 2011

*Transition Point*

I cannot predict an end of the harrowing problems and delays most are experiencing just because Mercury turns direct at 3:04p PT | 6:04p ET | 10:04p UT. It should help. But as I have explained many times, Mercury although turning on a dime is still very very slow after it turns direct and so the Dark Hermetic Epoch continues through September 9. This is a statement based on decades of close observation. Still, you should feel some relief tonight or Saturday, a sense that you have a better grasp of things and some of them are straightening out rather than spinning in circles. As for the circles, an example: I have tried to start this report three times in the past hour and a half. I am now an hour and a half past my planned beginning time. Three different computer problems are responsible, one connected with the wireless setup, one with battery life, and another indiscernible to me but harrowing until I restarted the laptop. Restart, the common solution for computer ills as aspirin for pains. I have walked back and forth from one room to another carrying the laptop, books, and papers several times. If that is not Mercury retrograde, it is a very good symbol of it, and what it often means for anyone or everyone. Oh, and by the way, do you remember how I mentioned a week or two ago that people tend to resign while Mercury is retrograde? Steve Jobs did yesterday. And Muammar Qaddafi's "resignation," if there is to be one, is long-drawn-out and peculiar, as everything in his life, and at the moment nobody even knows where he is (except I assume himself).

Friday: The moon in Leo always grants a sort of youthful and fun-loving orientation. However, with Luna "dying" or decreasing in apparent size, one's choices of entertainment tend to be variable or unstructured.

Shrewdness in acquiring wealth is being displayed by many, since only shrewdness seems to work in the current economic climate. In other words, watching carefully one's bottom line and what affects it. Yet there are very good signs while the sun and Venus trine both Pluto and Jupiter, a grand trine in earth signs. Before long or even now, most will feel more comfortable with their financial picture.

Battles of will or pride have been going on. The persecuted one often triumphs at last, after bitter difficulties. Fate or destiny working out favorably is to be observed in many lives and probably your own.

There is modesty or reserve in interpersonal relations, a holding-back which is not unloving but shy. Yet beneath the surface something unusual is bubbling or brewing.

People are awakening from a period of indifference or hostility toward one another into a desire for somewhat more intimate associations, although getting there involves caring about others' needs which we are not always ready to do.
Doing it would raise your standing in the estimation of people.

Difficult studies are good. You may be drawn to them while Mercury is at its station (more or less unmoving, geocentrically). You will find your own balance between a desire for friendlier associations and a sense of restraint, waiting for the right time, or attending to individual matters first.

{Friday} *Transition Point*

Cosmic Piper

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