Thursday, October 20, 2011

Forecast for Friday 21 October 2011

Friday 21 October 2011

*Strategically Grandiose*

I'd rather write about current events today than give my usual pep-talk as to how we personally can get through the day with less stress. I consider the latter extremely important. It helps me as much as it helps any of you. But sometimes it is more enjoyable to write about technical astrology as applied to current events. Some of you probably have little taste for that, but even then you might find it instructive or interesting.

On everyone's mind is the death of Muammar Qaddafi (or Gaddafi). I did not predict the time of its occurrence, nor do I or would I predict anyone's death. That to me is a misuse of astrology. One might point out difficult periods, if that would be helpful to the individual in question, but always with suggestsions as to how the suffering can be ameliorated or avoided.
Nevertheless, in afterview one can always learn much from what happens to public figures. Unfortunately, it is usually the tragedies which get the news attention. It might be interesting, as an astrological study, to consider the charts of those who win lotteries and what current aspects are doing at the time. More useful would be studies of when people do well at their jobs or get promotions, since that is something realistic rather than improbable such as a gambling win.

Looking at Qaddafi's birth chart I see Mars at 25 Cancer. That is the sign of Mars's "fall." Obviously, Qaddafi did not "fall" during his whole career, though he was perhaps in the process, one might say; nor does this signature in a birthchart mean one has an evil destiny, by any means. Brilliant people and superb ones have been born with Mars in Cancer. However, at the time of his death it is more than interesting that the sun was also in the sign of its fall, Libra, and exactly square (from 26 Libra) his Mars. Mars is of course, at its worst, a planet of violence. The square is, with the oposition, the most difficult aspect. Mars the planet of violence in its fall squared by the sun in the sign of its fall is self-evident. A difficult day. I say "day" because this has happened to Qaddafi once every year throughout his life, at approximately this date near October 20. What happened on previous years? It would be interesting to know, if one could study his diary. Quarrels, most likely. Threats. And so on.

This time, the aspect was reinforced, unhappily, by Saturn at 21 Libra, and moving toward a square with Qaddafi's birth Mars. A hard aspect between these two "malefic" planets as the ancient astrologers called them has been regarded by most astrologers, historically, as about the worst possible. Still, Qaddafi went through this approximately 28 years ago when Saturn was at that position. It is by no means fatal but points toward "difficult karma" shall we say.

One could go on and study other aspect to his chart, and his progressions, although this could degenerate into morbidiy. What would be the point? To me, the point would be to learn something real about astrology as a basis for future developments in its techniques. Not so that we can predict the death of people, but see into all the complexities of their living and the karma they have earned in a way to help them. As for Qaddafi himself, it is doubtful any astrologer could have helped him at this point, although perhaps that would have been possible at an earlier stage of his career.

In terms of general astrology, as I use it in these forecasts for all of you who dare to read them, the killing of Qaddafi occurred while the moon was in Leo moving toward Mars in that sign of rulership, that is, Leo the royal sign, or sign of the head of any nation or enterprise. These two planets were squared to two planets in Scorpio the sign of death (Mercury and Venus). Sometimes these simple meanings--such as Leo, royalty or ruler; and Scorpio, death or ending--are sufficient to point out, or provide a backdrop for, much which is happening in the world, if one merely contemplates things from an astrological (astral logical) viewpoint. Be it noted also that the square of Mars and Venus is known for violence, sometimes within the family, as here within the national family of Libya. This is intensified when it is in fixed signs and especially when one of them is Scorpio.

Further, I must point out that I pointed out last week the exact hours and minutes of this week's |difficult third| and that the killing of Qaddafi occurred within that period. One might say, Well, but this was not "difficult" for his enemies. True, perhaps, although who can see into the mind of G*d when it comes to the karma of warfare? His enemies exulted, but did that make them truly happy or better off in real terms? No one knows for sure. The |difficult third of each week| is impartial; it is a time, as I have said repeatedly, when karma hits, when one has to face responsibility for what one has done and what one has become. Such was Qaddafi's fate this week. If you look back over Tuesday and Wednesday, and Thursday until about 2 p.m. PT | 5 p.m. ET, you will note some of the issues you have faced and learned from. This last is, after all, the point of the whole thing. We live in a beneficent universe governed by a beneficent Deity.

The events of 9/11/01 occurred within a |difficult third| of that week, as did the assassination of John Kennedy and countless other difficult events, down to quarrels between husbands and wives or fist fights in schoolyards. The purpose of pointing out this period each week is not to depress you but help you rise above these times and use them to advantage rather than mope about helplessly. One of the best things you can do is, first, pray for guidance before you do anything else.

The next one comes on Monday, October 24 at 4:02p PT | 7:02p ET | 11:02p UT, extending through Tuesday and Wednesday until Wednesday-Thursday at 9:59p PT(W) | 12:59a(Th) | 4:59a(Th) UT. (The period gradually moves earlier, toward Monday-Tuesday at this point.)

Friday this week (October 21) is serious yet beneficent. People are thinking about their jobs and careers in a big way, wondering what the next developments will be. Fidelity to one's purposes is a key to happiness. One could become gloomy if yielding to the fatalism of the fall season (bittersweet in autumnal coloring). Mapping strategies is a good use of your mind. You could be very sharp at that. Also, a spiritual awakening is occurring at a deep level, which can manifest in countless ways. You want to espouse causes and their supporters, link yourself with high aspirations in a way which enhances the depths within your cohorts. You can be humane rather than touchy or angry, turning dissatisfaction into activities and thoughts bold and grandiose.

{Friday} *Strategically Grandiose*

Cosmic Piper

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I do appreciate the larger context you delve into rather than just my own little life. Although it's true this whole intensity that has enveloped my work life. Spirituality has been key all year...I apreciate your reminders there as well.

    Piper, you do add insight to a more rewarding life in it's day to day aspects for me. Your thoughts have been priceless more often than not. I thank you. Have a great weekend.
