Monday, October 3, 2011

Forecast for Tuesday 4 October 2011

Tuesday 4 October 2011

\Calibrated Effort within Social Finesse/

The clue is in using the abilities you have, even if in ways which seem less than stunning to you. Circumstances seem to deny you the chance to use them to the full, yet using them as much as feasible develops them and also molds the circumstances to make fuller use possible.

You are in a position where people feel a sense of ownership about things, and when things don't go well they may blame you, or anyone, for the failure or delay. You can retain your composure, and make a home of your workshop, job area, or office, thereby feeling composed and in charge.

Efforts which seem profitless could be partly misdirected. If you pare away useless motion you will get more done. There is harmony underlying the day, equanimity which refuses to be disturbed by challenges but faces them harmoniously.

That side of the day, apart from or percolating into your work, becomes more frivolous and carefree, sensuous or vain: surprising attractions which could be lascivious are moderated toward the genteel. Those younger, to whom life is thrilling, find you attractive or pleasing and want to be near you. There is a curious intellectual component to this mutual interest.

Some such individuals, whether younger or older, have their trials and tribulations and you become aware of them. You would like to shelter them as much as possible; save them from peril. In doing such serious work for them you become aware that the link between you deepens, turning however from the morose to the light-hearted and colorful. You elevate one another within mutual flattery.

{Tuesday} /Calibrated Effort within Social Finesse\

Cosmic Piper

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