Monday, October 10, 2011

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Tuesday 11 October 2011

*The Soul Perseveres*

There's a trend toward being alone, or feeling alone; independent. Yet work for income requires some contact with people, obviously. You are determined to take the long hard path toward being the ruler of your life. You have the will power to do it. You are supported by invisible forces. You could get lost by trusting improbable schemes or out-of-the-box beliefs, yet your romanticism helps you by keeping you optimistic.

Many are wondering how it is that others seem to be more prosperous. The fodder is always greener on the other side of some fence. Yet the harshness of loss is a way of sharpening your abilities. An idealistic streak in you is determined to win out over all depletion of energy, hope or finances. By caring about what is right, you strengthen yourself. Something you do which no one else does as well is your trump card.

The arts, drama or music could be sterling. They get you over hard places, which is one reason we have them. A novel, story, poem or film can work magic, reinvigorating hopes and aspirations. Then you throw more savvy energy into endeavors, almost without trying.

{Tuesday} *The Soul Perseveres*

Cosmic Piper

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