Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Forecast for Wednesday 15 July 2009

Wednesday 15 July 2009

}Honor Protected{

[Circumstances in my life pushed this report to the end of my day so it is posted later than usual; I hope most of you will still be able to profit from it.]

The moon is void of course at the end of Aries beginning at 8:08aPT | 11:08a ET | 3:08p UT until it enters Taurus at 3:31p PT | 6:31p ET | 10:31p UT. Those 7+ hours may be good for gathering moss, relaxing more than usual, or letting your mind get the inner drift of things, rather than for decisive action. Routine activities could still go well, even if with more mind-wandering than usual.

Self-restraint and contentment are important, to counter feelings that you are unloved or persecuted. This latter may be true but what good does it do to whine about it? Rather you can show that you deserve to be loved, and not persecuted, by doing the reasonable and responsible thing.

The religious urge is not necessarily sectarian or narrow-minded. It can be broad and universal, the religion of humanity embracing divinity. Divinity, however, is not just a glorified humanity but something (Someone) transcendent to that. "You shall do homage to the Lord your God and worship him alone." (Jesus in Matthew, chapter 4) Honoring God is more important than seeking honor for yourself. If you honor Him fully you will not even have to do the latter.

You may have set up, in your home, ways of communicating with Higher Intelligence. Scripture reading (whatever your religion) is still one of the best ways of doing that (and perhaps the very best). When things seem bleak in a void-of-course period such as we have today, it is an excellent way of finding your way again.

You can strengthen yourself through repose. This is not escapism if it is temporary. It supplies you with a more relaxed and higher view of your resources and work.

You care about your profession or career. You have established ways of organizing it mathematically, almost, or with a definiteness of procedure and measurement. These methods will support you when you feel unsure.

In any legal issue, you can state things clearly, as clearly as you can, perhaps especially in writing, and then seek redress or partial redress on the basis of your honest exposition of what is going on and what would be fair. Giving this statement to all involved and to officials could win more cooperation than endless litigation. (Or it could prepare you for the latter when it is appropriate.)

Someone who seems a secret enemy is so much like yourself, in some ways, that you wonder why you are fighting each other. Communication with him or her about this might be possible more and more, although requiring restraint. (I would avoid attempting it directly during the void-of-course time, although you might write the first draft of a letter to be edited thoroughly or rewritten later.)

Those who are lost, confused or foolish may be luxuriating in a situation which pampers them. Envying or being angry about this would not help, but confronting any ethical issues involved could be bracing to them and you. Of course, in that case, you need diplomacy as well as principle.

Some things in your life may seem to have been spoiled when people have been rude, crude, unfeeling or unfair. "Get over it" is not enough, of course, so maybe you can ferret out better responses and potentials through facing issues involved as well as boosting your optimism through renewed faith in the Highest.

{Wednesday} /Honor Protected\

Cosmic Piper

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