Monday, July 6, 2009

Forecast for Tuesday 7 July 2009

Tuesday 7 July 2009

\Good Business, Smooth Companionship/

Even though the moon is in Capricorn, a somewhat glum sign, I like the looks of this day because it trines both Mars and Venus, increasing in the evening, as well as Saturn (though that is decreasing all day). Conservative business dealings could go smoothly, as well as shopping when you are very sure what you want.

There is a free, bohemian, artistic ambience, if you tune in to it, and a readiness for easy friendship everywhere. This, however, mixes with the solitary brooding spirit of Capricorn. You can combine these two in your own way.

I keep emphasizing the practical because the sun is sextile Saturn, so that basic and long-lasting decisions affecting business and finance could be solid; and helpful for a long time to come. Today we have Prime Time all day. Stopping loss is as good as starting gain, and you may see how to do that. When things seem blank or unclear, restricted service is good, that is, just facing the things you know you need to do to continue your life with self-respect and the basic approval of the human race (which is a rather tough judge of all of us).

You can guard those you feel intrusted to you. They may or may not understand or appreciate what you do for them tangibly and intangibly. Young people tend to coast on freedom unwittingly.

In his discussion of Mercury opposite Pluto, Robert Pelletier says, "remember, in your relationships with others, what you are is more important than what you have." If this rings a bell, it might help.

While Mercury approaches the sun, conjoining it at the heart of the Bright Hermetic Epoch (next Monday and Tuesday), things get clearer and clearer. You sense and understand your inclinations and where they lead. You penetrate into secrets because you are unsulliedly curious about them. So you feel at ease doing the best you can.

You may ponder the potentials of sharing a better living space with your partner. You look to the past because memories help you envision the future. Possessing your own home (if you don't) would be wonderful; or shaping it more into the image you desire.

Your career is more potent when shared. Someone with a mature sense of your possibilities could persuade you to do more along some line. Then there is a superb sense of freedom to do and be what you desire, with full appreciation from those who count.

If you gravitate to a natural scene, or body of water, graced with music and someone you like, all is groovy (corking, peachy, not bad).

{Tuesday} /Good Business, Smooth Companionship\

Cosmic Piper

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