Monday, July 20, 2009

Forecast for Tuesday 21 July 2009

Tuesday 21 July 20090

~Quiet and Simple Restoration~

We have Prime Time again while the moon sails through Cancer toward a conjunction with the sun (New Moon) at the very end of the sign at 7:36p PT | 10:36p ET | 2:36a UT. The darkest night of the lunar month is good for extra sleep.

Some will feel that their hopes for love have been dashed, or else placed in some warehouse from which they might be extricated no-one knows when. Venus square Saturn can be loneliness and isolation. The good side of this could be a chance to reconstitute yourself internally while alone. Those will be most comfortable with this aspect who are most comfortable alone. "Never less alone than when alone" is an ancient motto whose meaning may be elusive but helpful.

You could look to work you want to finish for someone else, for a friend or group of friends. You have been put in a semi-official position and are expected to perform, but this need not feel burdensome; rather it will make you feel needed and appreciated. If you do it alone, you can savor the flavor of ultimate approval.

Someone who is critical but sincere earns your respect by being willing to give up something for you, even if dourly.

Your basic game-plan is being set right and you know your opportunities. Someone who seems pernicious, or pest-like, could make things hard for you. Why is this person in your life? you wonder; yet there is a reason. Perhaps it is to stimulate your thinking and expand your awareness through the challenge presented. You might share game-like entertainment together, competitive in a not unpleasant way.

It is well to be wary of anyone who has a fierce look, however, or who could "flip out" and cause a fracas. This person has good intentions but feels put upon or mistreated to the degree that he could hurt someone intentionally or unintentionally. He wants reassurance that the world can be good to him, and some of that could relieve the situation.

Difficult Mars aspects are decreasing and it appears that most male energies are directed toward more peaceful paths. Believe it or not, males can be generous and kind, or friendly and playful.

In both sexes a "giving up" attitude can be either depressing or helpful. Depressing if it means feeling one's hopes are blighted. Helpful if it means acknowledging temporary limits in human life and love, and bearing on with one's destiny calmly without much grief over what seems missing.

{Tuesday} ~Quiet and Simple Restoration~

Cosmic Piper

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