Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Forecast for Thursday 23 July 2009

Thursday 23 July 2009

*Lines Drawn*

It could be an indefinite or uncertain time, with the moon in Leo opposing Jupiter and Neptune, both retrograde suggesting old issues still being resolved, and then going void of course at 12:29p PT | 4:29p ET | 8:29p PT. It may be better to punt than carry the ball. Important decisions or commitments should be confined to the earlier time. Evening could be somewhat relaxing or liberating with the moon trine Pluto although void-of-course.

A listless, easy-going, seemingly irresponsible attitude could seem natural and maybe is all right except for essential duties you really need to perform.

When things seem dark and dreary in one place, you think of moving to another. Whether this is a good idea or not, it may haunt you.

A game-like, playful approach has its value, although you may feel you are missing out on a mission you could fulfill by speaking in public or putting yourself in a position where your performance has an impact.

Eliminating the trivia of personal attractions could help you focus on what is really yours to do. It is not that being drawn to attractive or interesting people is wrong but that it might be fatuous, leading nowhere when you have little to contribute to each other.

Mental activity you carry out in private is good and strengthening. You have many questions to be answered. You feel dissatisfied with the answers others provide, including "authorities," and so are continuing your quest for proof, or at least reliable evidence.

Unique qualities of your profession, or hoped-for profession, may seem questionable to others and to yourself at times, and yet you are feeling better about them. Your "peculiar" approach may be bearing fruit.

Despite what was said in paragraph 1, you may see your way more clearly, early today, than you did on Wednesday, especially when it comes to possible travel, home change, or your relation to your community (whether physical or interest-group). The lines have been drawn, it would seem, in a way which grants dominion in your world.

If sometimes this all seems like a game, that is all right so long as you play with interest rather than indifference. Winning is not as important as keeping it going so others can enjoy as well as yourself.

{Thursday} *Lines Drawn*

Cosmic Piper

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