Saturday, February 2, 2013

Forecast: Saturday and Sunday, 2-3 February, 2013

Saturday 2 February 2013

Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Scorpio

~Depth of Care is Peaceful~

Moon not void-of-course
We are in the |karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week
until Monday

1  Things you need to complete seem to interfere with friendship but something helps you as if a beacon shining on a clear sense of values which helps you choose. Your intuitive impressions are "on," perhaps especially (as with Socrates) when they warn against something.

2  Purity is an important value, however it plays out. Records need to be kept clear and you might copy, fax, or save some of them connected with career or income. This helps eliminate old karmic burdens.

3  In your thoughts or in a movie or TV show or book you might be thinking about someone who has been thrown down from a high position, as a king losing his throne. This is a kind of warning to all of us to protect ourselves from loss. You consider varied options, as if investigating a horse to bet on or stock to buy, or maybe some lesser purchase. During the |karmically difficult third| of a week, as now, it is better to take the conservative course, or wait for better answers.

4  Calm, courtesy, and grace may seem under strain, yet can be recovered if you invoke them deliberately. At a commercial level, you can become aware of shrewd deals.
Nevertheless I would advise caution. At best any "deal" involves mutual benefit to seller and buyer.

5  It's a question how far you have to defend yourself and how far you need to trust. Trust is usually better, especially with friends and relatives. If you keep affirming the value of a friendship or relationship or more remote but long-lasting connection, when the chips are down and things look bleak, your consistency can win the other person over, whether or not that is evident at first.

6  A cosmopolitan trend could bring you in touch with those from distant lands. If they seem unpromising at first, these links might still be useful. There is something to be learned from them. You can see how they pattern, how to use them efficiently, if not now then later. Enterprising adventure could bring affluence eventually no matter what the doubts at present.

7  The "laws of nature" are now considered to be little more than statistical dependabilities, except in a few formulas of chemistry and physics; but even there unexpected variables can intervene. Still, one can discover how to adapt onself "scientifically" without the benefit of anything but one's own shrewd observation. Romance is not impossible, though it has elements of the old, the past, even the ancient; there is romance in history and one's own "his story" or "her story." This surges up in memory to get you over dark moments. Such memories can orient you to your present world effectively.

{Saturday} ~Depth of Care is Peaceful~

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 3 February 2013
Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Scorpio
Moon not void-of-course
We are in the |karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week
until Monday at 4:58a PT | 7:58a ET | 12:58a(T) UT


1  If you are alert to the moods of people around you, you will see that things are tough. They wonder if they're ever going to come out right. So you can excuse frowns or even rude behavior; people are worried. True, they shouldn't take it out on you, but we're in this together. There are x factors we don't know about but are guessing. Those could be what save us.

2  People remain themselves, and that helps, because therefore we can rely on them. Lofty understanding and inspiration come to you while at home or in a familiar spot. Your speculations, even guesses, seem inevitable; you are "on" at least in regard to intellectual or spiritual matters. You are a steward of what you know, for others' benefit.

3  When people are worried, they often try things which are fruitless, wasting time, energy and resources. Of course this is not smart but haven't we all been guilty of it? Clever purchases or deals, for saving or profit, ought to be looked at very carefully. Ask yourself what advice someone you respect would give. This could secure wiser perspective.

4  Who in your life is generous, passive, and thoughtful? He or she could be an aid. He does not obtrude himself but remains in the background, almost timid. Yet you have had a destiny with him or her. The two of you reinforce each other's prudent good judgment at a spiritual and sometimes material level.

5  A ruse is a trick; some are proud that they can maneuver in such ways to gain more in business or social life; but now some may be ruseful to protect themselves from what look like enemies. Being watchful is good, but being suspicious of everyone is not, else the basic good will on which the business world is based would fail. Although it's a Sunday, this remains important as background. It is good to remain undisturbed amid the ups and downs of business. Also it is good to find a way to overcome suspicion among neighbors or those who share your home.

6  The fire of inspiration is sometimes intimidating if it asks more of us than we feel like giving. You might fret about work you feel ought to be done, although on a Sunday you may not really need to do it. Being selective about what you want to get done in the immediate situation will de-emphasize the pointless and emphasize the meaningful.

7  There is consolation in following the honorable course, regardless of loss or gain. It allows one to bow one's head in humility, then lift it up in self-respect. If you have a mission which is beyond the understanding of most individuals you associate with, perhaps because it entails overcoming popular evils, you can cherish it and pursue it with perseverance come what may.

{Sunday}  ~Dauntless~

Cosmic Piper

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