Saturday, February 9, 2013

Forecast: Sunday and Monday, 10-11 February, 2013

Sunday 10 February 2013

Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Pisces
beginning at 1:21p PT | 4:21p ET | 9:21p UT
Before that, moon in Aquarius
/goes void-of-course at 11:21p(Sa) PT | 2:21a ET | 7:21a UT
until it enters Pisces at the time above (fourteen hours of v-of-c)

The New Moon of Aquarius occurs at the beginning of the v-of-c time (above)

~Doubting Defeated~

1  On this first day of a New Moon, there is intensity of aspiration and hope. You sort out friends and allies and realize who is on your side. Rivals cannot defeat you in your special field if you are consistent, even if you cannot see exactly all the details you need in order to proceed and succeed. The "aspiration and hope" are greatly challenged by the square of Venus with Saturn, exact now, but this is something to overcome rather than submit to. It is doubt: doubt of oneself and of others, and above all doubt that one is loved or can love.

2  A businessperson who knows how to settle things practically could be helpful, whether or not you like his or her personality. This could prevent you from drifting too carelessly, although it is a Sunday. The drifting might be natural and relaxing, restorative, before the moon enters Pisces (time above). You receive recompense in multiple ways through your community. You can find a subtle, easy balance between indifference to your needs and too much worry about them.

3  The question of control is interesting. How much control do we have over our lives? Philosophers and psychologists, and of course neurologists and geneticists, might tell us: Very little or none. Astrologers, who generally recognize the reality of past and future lives and the long outworking of personal destiny, say that we have enormous control; and our birth-charts (and, I hope, these forecasts) help us see how to implement that within the limits we have already ourselves created. Our powers of survival are endless. Still, you are inclined toward ordinary caution when it comes to choosing contests or opportunities, avoiding those which seem pointless.

4  You might express yourself through regimenting things, even people and allies. This actually could bring peace to them, since they then know what to do within the security of the framework to which you have summoned them. Speculation unites with ambition to carry you, and them, higher.

5  Your aptitudes should not be squelched by those around you who might throw cold water on them. When that happens, you can use it as an incentive to increase your naive, hopeful self-expression, in the face of their doubts or even ambushes. You have not lost prudence, but it is accompanied by a smile and a wink.

6  Diligence and industry seem fated, a part of your life at this moment, so you do not give up on tasks even if you wonder whether they will succeed. Self-training gives you more pleasure than constant self-indulgence. You practice skills and rise to every occasion. During the long v-of-c time, this might be more practice than implementation; even mostly practice in the mind.

7  There is a warning against setting yourself against "the ruling powers" of this outer world, whatever they may be. Your personal freedom depends on cooperating with the current set-up whether you like it or not, part of the time at least. You might suspect that someone who has power over you or some of your projects is secretly wishing you would fail. This may or may not be true, but even if it is, you can look rather to your self-estimation, and carry on, though with care not to offend those who could upset your plans. Despite worries, you can proceed toward a higher plateau of insight and accomplishment.

{Sunday} ~Doubting Defeated~

Cosmic Piper

Monday 11 February 2013
Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Pisces
/moon goes void-of-course at 9:04a PT | 12:04p ET | 5:04p UT
(until Tuesday evening when it enters Aries, almost 33 hours)

~Earning and Emanating Serenity~

1  The stress of things, linked with intense squares among major planets, could seem partly inexplicable, coming from hidden sources. This is not paranoia, just a realization that there are a lot of confused people in the world, and confused invisible entities, according to occultists. They seem able to "possess" us more often when the moon is void-of-course.

2  There are practical expedients. You are watching over your bottom line, as well as anyone important to you whom you can aid or protect. By being faithful to someone you assimilate the best in his or her reality. People flow into and through one another while the moon is in Pisces.

3  When you feel compelled by circumstances into strange positions, knocked about, you can turn to established, almost petrified support, whether material or spiritual, which has aided you before. This allows you to be inspired and ingenious in getting out of tangles.

4  When they have group responsibilities, people can become officious. Still you could learn something from them if you "obey" at least to the point where you maintain your peace of soul. That could prevent strange quarrels erupting. However, if a matter of principle is at stake, you may have to defend yourself straightforwardly while avoiding bitterness.

5  If you remain resourceful and reserved, with philosophic composure, you will attain a serenity which enables you to ignore the promptings of passionate desires. It is not that you have to stomp on them and crush them but that they fade away in the light of your inner detached peaceful understanding.

6  If you have a strong connection in consciousness with that to which you are dedicated, and seek illumination as to how to fulfill that dedication, you will not care much whether you get payment or recognition, for the dedication itself is its own reward. Such is the life of a priest in the truest sense, or a selfless teacher in any field.

7  Whether or not you feel wronged or misunderstood, you are able to assert yourself with courage. When you observe indications of something amiss, you can take strong, fearless measures to correct it. If possible, you prefer to do this in a homelike, tastefully furnished setting where people while enjoying conventional comforts see ahead of the curve of individual tendencies and find ways to finesse their differences.

 {Monday} ~Earning and Emanating Serenity~

Cosmic Piper

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