Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Forecast: Wednesday and Thursday, 20-21 February, 2013

Extra Report: Review [Forecasts for Wednesday and Thursday are beneath this]
It is always good to review things during the Dark Hermetic Epoch (this one from February 8 through April 5). These reports are in evolution, as they have been since their beginning in 1999. Since going back to the daily approach a month or two ago, Cosmic Piper has been struggling to get his sea legs. I think some of the reports have been excellent, others not so much. Nobody probably would believe the countless hours I spend on reviewing them and my procedures, and reviewing past events in my life, others' lives, and general public occurrences such as 9/11 and others (usually it's the tragedies that have the memorable dates), with the daily charts of each. I work on deciding the correct or most useful orbs for each aspect to each planet. Too much is too much, too little too little. Another astrologer once said to me, "It's like cooking." Indeed. The best recipe for these reports has eluded me since the beginning; my only comfort is that (a) nobody else is doing better, so far as I know, and (b) at least the tentative recipes I use produce something palatable, or anyway you faithful readers say so. I appreciate your loyalty through it all. My aim is to produce something not only palatable but more nourishing than ever.

Not only orbs but other factors are so important in the daily charts. I use experimental "fields" rather than "houses," although I have tried the traditiional "houses" set up for various place on the earth and for various times of day or celestial events. The daily time of the moon's entrance into each lunar mansion would be one way to do it. I have tried that extensively, over the years, and found that it has some value. But it did not come out as the most-accurate and therefore most-favored method. My own discoveries, namely field systems, have won the prize, and at last I have finished, I believe, my investigation of them. Some won, most lost.

There are many ways to do astrology, but if all of them worked it would not be a science but a chaotic wilful delusion. Some of them do not work. I have tried countless methods which seemed to work for a while and then failed too often. They are gone. I do not return to them. Others which have had promise I have kept in the "stable" of possible methods, and trotted them out after months or years to try them again. Most of them have been dropped but others retained, until I believe finally I have the best team of steeds for the daily race toward the truth, which is the goal.

Still, as in any science or art, there is no substitute for experience, and that goes on and on. I believe I am getting wiser, if not smarter, and learning how to balance all the factors I use. I use too many, it would appear. And so I try assiduously to reduce them, as a cook does not want unnecessary ingredients. But then I find that there is an irreducible minimum of factors to come up with a daily reading which is accurate, useful and interesting. That minimum is quite large! So I am wrestling with more factors in each daily forecast than perhaps the human brain can handle realistically. I am continuing to learn how to balance them and let each modify the others appropriately. I hope you will see that the reports get more cogent and useful as we proceed.

I am very happy that you are coming along for the adventure.

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday 20 February 2013
Sun in Pisces and Moon in Cancer
beginning at 2:46a PT | 5:46a ET | 10:46a UT
Moon on course after (not before) that time

The gauche fire drill flares tempers. "You are wrong;
Do it this way." Acceding humbly, some
Evoke fairies of the sunset spreading
A solemn path to serenity's feast.

~Around Obstacles to Enjoyment~

The "cycle of misunderstanding" of Venus square Saturn may be past us, partially, but today there are other indications of a similar issue, as if you felt you were not properly appreciated while you continue to give forth what you can for the benefit of those who don't appreciate it enough. This has a harsh but also an erotic side, as if your disappointment were a tonic to erotic feelings (which compensate).

Celestial powers and gifts are yours. You will sense what that means. They open doors to surprising love-feelings, as well as  financial awareness promising greater prosperity.

A mission you have requires stamina and persistence in the face of opposition, as if you had to protest something. You want to reorganize something in your own way to end dissatisfaction. Therefore you assert yourself in that direction, and someone may perceive you as being a bully although that is farthest from your mind.

If you sense what could upset your plans, you can use circumspect, even crafty methods to prevent that from happening. Even imagination and fantasy could help, if you express them in a way which catches the fancy and sensitivity of someone who then comes over to your side.

Your allegiance to drills or routines which make sense to you will help you prevent upsetting people in a way which would lead to strife or anger. Your awareness of a talent you have, unusual and second to none, will help you rise above a tendency to quarrel, because you feel confident that you don't need to do that; you have something no one can take.

Something or someone you rely on is very good for you as long as you don't make that reliance into a petrified crutch which could fail you at crucial moments. In other words, you can use that help, with gratitude and satisfaction, but be ready to go beyond what it provides when that is wise.

Good times seem ready to pop, if you get past a crucial point around 4 p.m. PT | 7 p.m. ET (a few hours before and one hour after that). People may be too sensitive during that time, likely to "go off half-cocked," but you and they can control yourselves patiently, and then the rest of the evening could be wonderful, with shared meal or other kinds of conviviality.

Being high-minded has its rewards. You stop worrying what people think, because you don't have strong desires which insist that they do this or that or perceive you in this or that way. Then all can feel comfortably familiar with one another. Serenity smooths a path for peace of mind and enjoyment--yours at least, and maybe theirs if they are open.

{Wednesday} ~Around Obstacles to Enjoyment~

Cosmic Piper

Thursday 21 February 2013
Sun in Pisces and Moon in Cancer
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:09p PT | 9:09p ET | 2:09a(F) UT

Car radio blares, tires screech: rage of the road.
Furrowed brow, angry words. Military band
Inspires escape. Safe spot, familiar meal.
Book in the sky from which floats butterfly.


Anyone itching for a fight is in a position to be gratified, by arousing the anxieties and sensitivities in someone to the point where malice is expressed on one side or both. At the same time someone else is trying to be good by dispensing succor to those who need it.

During the Dark Hermetic Epoch (up to April 6) most of us experience psychic phenomena more than usual. Today you might be able to "pull down" important, useful, esoteric information from above. This might have a bearing on the well-being of someone with whom you are infatuated. This person is both militant and sweetly refined or musical. He or she cares about some situation which deprives him of his true vocation or interferes with his calling.

You are silent and watchful in connection with work or study. A cunning, cautious approach protects you from upset. You may assist in bringing two individuals together, whether intended or not.

Many are rushing into print before they have anything really to say. A writers' agent remarked that "there are more writers than readers" at this point. You may find that some old book inspires you deeply and develops your ingenuity more briskly than current shallow writing.

When people are in a hurry to get where they want to go they bump into or interfere with one another--"heavy traffic." This can be on foot as well as in a vehicle. It can be in the psychic realm, where too many impulses from varying sources converge and confuse. Fortunately you can shield yourself from all this by being prudently resourceful: selective.

Intelligence creates a haven of rest and security. You may share this with someone close to you. It is wonderful to relax around a table where the edibles on it are less compelling than the fellow-feeling shared with the other or others assembled.

What seems abnormal in you, to someone else, may be one of your assets if you use it wisely. When you encounter malice, you can know that it surges from some sad or tragic happening in the malicious one's recent past. Therefore you can fend it off by a charitable approach. The uniqueness in you which "set him off" is a value you are developing and using, often without realizing exactly how.

{Thursday} ~Selective~

Cosmic Piper

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