Saturday, February 16, 2013

Forecast: Saturday and Sunday, 16-17 February, 2013

Saturday 16 February 2013Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Taurus
Moon not void-of-course

Naturally Blogger is going to ruin these posts however it may. It runs lines together, changes the typeface, and generally hates Cosmic Piper and is trying to do away with him. I struggle on. You will have to deal with the ugly formatting.

|Karmically difficult or sobering third|of this week continues
until Sunday at 10:50a PT | 1:50p ET | 6:50p UT

The military drill points swords of sorrow toward hearts
Of woe. The accountant gazes toward his bottom line.

The fire is quenched by water from the stream
Where a drowning man is rescued by his friend.

\Holding On for Dear Life/

Accounting and business details can be worked out, financial plans and calculations. Such matters might go swimmingly now if you are at all inclined toward them.

Have you been less than tactful with someone? Either someone else, or that person himself, is someone you can cling to for support to reduce insecurities. This could happen in ways quite unexpected.

Sorrows you have felt recur like the ebbing and flowing tides. Often is it impossible to discern all the causes of them, whether in the past or present. However, there is a reduction of them, noticeable in the coming week as Venus moves away from her emotionally painful square with Saturn.

The cyclic nature of life could become clearer to you. You see that weekly, monthly, daily, and other cycles and schedules are so important and real that you can hook up with them in a better way. This has big value in your career. Although you may envy others--who of us does not at times--you sense that the ups and downs of life carry all of us on their teeter-totter, so we may as well make the best of them as consciously as we may.

Your desire for independence is strong. Choices you make for items, purchases, deals, or for love and friendship are designed to make you feel free of law and restriction as much as possible. So it is well to reduce the myriad details in which you could get lost, and be efficient in controlling quick choices at critical points. You are not likely to make mistakes if through the excitement you embrace your exalting freedom.

Precision and efficiency are crucial. Rather than making you less peaceful, they secure peace through definite procedures. You have a vision of a high place you could arrive at if you stick to intelligent methods.

If you think someone near you is sneaking around and spying on you, perhaps you could sense this as flattery, since obviously it shows you are interesting. Maybe if you emerge from your hiding place and spread your wings, they will see you in a new way, respect you, and cease to bother you.

Onward and upward, as a knight facing endless duels. Your power of execution can be stunning. It is even a cause for celebration when people are inspired by the way you exhibit yourself.

A practical focus seems best, at least before you go out socially; then the adventure will be happier because you will feel you have achieved something which makes you more secure. Some of that could be business and financial details. Paying bills or doing taxes can be therapeutic. If you have done anything which has put you in a bad position, there is a friend or friends to ask for help, and you will get it if you ask. This might be an advantage to the friend or helper as well as yourself.

{Saturday} /Holding On for Dear Life\

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 17 February 2013
Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Taurus until
/moon goes void-of-course at 12:32p PT|3:32p ET|8:32p UT
Moon enters Gemini (no longer void-of-course)
at 1:51p PT | 4:51p ET | 9:51p UT

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week
ends at 10:50a PT | 1:50p ET | 6:50p UT

The sword is rusty, the armory collapsed
To make way for the circus. Three violins 

Accompany three clowns. A ray supreme 
Lights up the tortoise who has won the race.

}Past Trouble Toward Contentment{

Much that is easy-going and peaceful should be your lot. You are patient, slow, contented, able to take the long view. Music, the arts and literature could be satisfying.

An apparent absence of trouble is very pleasing. Good fortune has multiple sources. Gratitude would enhance it.

You might be aware of individuals, at least in your mind, who are seemingly nice but filled with malice under the surface. You might encounter or observe them in a restauruant, bar, or coffee house. They do not even know why they have a semi-conscious desire to hurt people. Your own merit will detect them, and you could be eloquent in opposing them if they make trouble or even insinuate false accusation.

By anticipating trouble you can prevent it. I am not encouraging paranoia, but confident watchfulness which does not shrink from life and its challenges. The breadth of your resources gives you survival-power. Prodigally sharing gifts or talents, in a friendly way, relaxes people to the point where their fangs recede.

Examples from the past inspire you. Those who have been through wars, and write about them, often show us the way to peace. (A current example might be the movie The Gatekeepers which I have not yet seen.) In the digital era there are also cyber-wars. Video games exalting killing are one of the banes of our culture. The young killer in Connecticut was addicted to them, not surprisingly.

Being in a place where one is secure, such as home or a home-like space, is reassuring. The universe is basically friendly. Continuities between your ancestral or childhood home and your current one could be rallying. Thinking about your father might support this.

Authority which could come to you, in your own domain, might exceed that of your father or mother. In some realm you rule, even if in play-acting as in a circus. The lion-tamer, clown, ringmaster release our own powers.

Your convictions will show you what to do and when. You will probably not feel hurried, but give yourself time to assimilate reality and comprehend it so that, when united with your inner sphere, it guides you peaceably.

{Sunday} {Past Troubles to Contentment}

Cosmic Piper

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