Saturday, November 9, 2019

Message for Sunday 10 November 2019

Sunday 10 November 2019

\Character Developing/

Moon in Aries-->Taurus
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week ends at 12:24p PT | 3:24p ET | 8:24p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:02a PT | 9:02a ET | 2:02p UT
until it enters Taurus at 3:19p PT | 6:19p ET | 11:29p UT

One wonders about people with whom one has serious disagreements. They may seem pestilent, disturbing. Yet their intentions may be good, and it is hard to grasp that. Perhaps they lack original discernment and are like "parrots" in some way, conventionally imitating viewpoints and habits they have picked up. 

"The pleasures of the senses" are indicated by "a fair woman sporting herself on a couch." Sepharial says this warns us not to be sybaritic, falling into inept sensuousness. A more generous reading might be that we can enjoy some unusual pleasures as long as we don't get lost in them. Charubel says we may have magical powers, deriving from a strong will, but could use them in a reserved, morose or hurtful manner. When pleasure in lording over others fades, there is bound to be regret.

One learns "nobility" by discerning that one's destiny is linked with common ideals and not just individual ambitions. So one becomes "a flag-bearer" or works for a cause. This can be done tactfully, and with a sensitiveness to final ends which are mutual. There is "information in the symbol of an autumn leaf," or inspiration in the colorful changing of seasons which brings a winter-time of dependence on one another in some cozy cold-shunning fashion.

The lunar data above suggest that whatever seems difficult or painful should feel better by late afternoon or evening. 

{Sunday}  /Character Developing\

Cosmic Piper

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