Friday, November 15, 2019

Message for Saturday 16 November 2019

Saturday 16 November 2019

~From Selfishness to Providence~

Moon in Cancer
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week remains until Sunday evening

Nobody can accuse me of trying to please or flatter you readers! I may be writing the most "grumpy" or cautionary astrological forecast anywhere on the planet! It is not my choice. I wish I could say, every day, "Wonderful vibrations! Do what you want, take a vacation, go to the beach!" But (a) I am more realistic than that,  (b) I rely on my experience of life to guide me in interpreting the aspects, and (c) I use the degree-symbols of three clairvoyants (from the 19th and 20th centuries) who were not only clairvoyants but spiritual seekers, sages, and prophets. Their symbols and the interpretations they give are often "heavy," weighty, even morose at times, but only because they are trying to warn their readers of lurking problems they might not be aware of without astrology. These men, and one woman, were gurus in a sense, or channeled gurus--always aware of the fact that we are imperfect beings striving toward perfection through many lifetimes, and need angelic parenting as it were. They also give delightful, liberating symbols, maybe 40 to 50 per cent of the time, but today they veer toward the warning side. That is appropriate during the |karmically difficult third| of this week which is at its most intense today, in the morning-afternoon especially. 

It might be good, this Saturday, to take the advice of orthodox Jews and Seventh-Day Adventists and make this a sabbatical day, free of intensive work or any extravagant expectation. However, G*d is not idle every seventh day, and neither are we, so such advice is only relatively wise, perhaps.

Probably these symbols are getting at something deep in us we do not want to recognize. "A wolf standing upon the carcass of a horse" is intended to warn against overweening selfishness, seizing things from people or the world without paying back in kind, forgetting the karmic laws of give and take. At its best, this is successfully cunning and predatory. But our souls tell us we have to give also. "A fox sitting on his haunches" is a good strategist, but selfish in a purely animal way determined by Nature,, and we are human beings.

"A man beneath the paw of a lion" shows that we could get in trouble by ignoring a "chain of command" represented by the lion, the King. 
It is not good to blame seeming "enemies" for our own instability or impotence. "A serpent surrounded by a circle of fire" feels captive, and has to resort to whatever he can to escape. It is an ordeal, yet the stress and limitation build up strength toward ultimate triumph. 

Part of the trouble could be that we are not using our reasoning powers to think clearly. "Humanity seeking to bridge the span of knowledge" is ourselves trying to "get" what we are doing wrong so we can do it right. One thing we may realize is that selfishness brings isolation and suffering, whereas "a hen scratching for her chicks" is happy because fulfilling her true function and purpose. Both males and females are happier when they provide for someone they care about who is partially dependent. The protector is protected.

{Saturday}  ~From Selfishness to Providence~

Cosmic Piper

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