Monday, November 18, 2019

Message for Tuesday 19 November 2019

Tuesday 19 November 2019

^One's Invisible Kingdom Becoming Visible^

Moon in Leo-->Virgo
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:12p PT | 4:12p ET | 9:12p UT
until it enters Virgo at 5:56p PT | 8:56p ET | 1:56a(W) UT

This seems an excellent day for business and finance. Mercury is still retrograde but shall reach its station of immobility (from geocentric perspective) tomorrow and then start very slowly moving forward. But today other auspices including the positions and relationships of Venus and Jupiter in Sagittarius suggest good fortune in one's finances or business plans. Some will feel "on top of the world" because of what seems like a good turning point. 

At the emotional level we have indications of obstinacy in many, a determination to insist on their own way while their anger against those who oppose them remains lasting. 

The passive side of the indication is a sadness that love-hopes have been forlorn. Mars and Venus are in a septile aspect and this shows something fateful or destiny-laden in relationships. One may feel that one loves without a response. There could be jealousy. Are one's disappointments selfish, based on wanting to appropriate the loved one rather than bless her or him to find his or her own path, whether oneself is included in it or not?

Yet things do not have to remain worrisome. One could get on a figurative "sight-seeing bus" and take pleasure in just being with strangers, fellow human beings. Then one passes over "an old bridge over a beautiful stream." The stability of the bridge and the glory of the nature around it are idealized in one's thoughts and feelings. We conserve our world so we may enjoy it. And the friendliness of our fellow beings reassures us that no matter what happens in close relationships, there are varying avenues of sympathy and self-expression everywhere.

"A butterfly emerging from its chrysalis" is ourselves when we let ourselves be the self trying to emerge rather than tie ourselves in knots trying too hard to push forward. This is not a military march but a smooth emanation. We emerge into a new world where we are like "The king of the fairies approaching his domain." We make the world our domain by using our imagination to shape and form it nearer to the heart's desire. Then we find that others respond to our wishes, showing their allegiance to us as we have shown it to their hopes. 

{Tuesday}  ^One's Invisible Kingdom Becoming Visible^

Cosmic Piper

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