Sunday, December 1, 2019

Message for Monday 2 December 2019

Monday 2 December 2019

}In the Half-Light, Principles Protect{

Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces
/moon goes void-of-course at 4:28a PT | 7:28a ET | 12:28p UT
until it enters Pisces at 11:12p PT | 2:12a(Tu) ET | 7:12a(Tu) UT

The Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch continues until Saturday the 7th (but should be felt as "gone" more on Sunday the 8th) and today the moon is also void-of-course all day (minus a few hours, see above). We are "in the dark" perhaps, to some degree, but are coming out of it: "The lamp of physical enlightenment at the left temple." That is a mysterious symbol I do not understand totally but it might pay you to reflect on it. (I happen to have a reading lamp in my bedroom near my "left temple.") We can get light on some things if not on all. 

Capricorn is a good sign, and many Capricorn friends in my life have been very kind and generous. Nevertheless it has a reputation as cruel in some cases, or perhaps as responding cruelly to cruelty as if that were justice in action. Likewise Scorpio, sometimes, and there are two planets now in Scorpio and four in Capricorn. So we need to be on the watch for unconscious cruelty in ourselves or others, and try to eliminate it by living up to our religious, ethical, or humanistic principles. Doing that is Scorpio and Capricorn at their best. 

Fumbling for a key in the half-light, we may think we have ruined an opportunity, or our reputation. It is good to be humble and patient, and then at last the key will turn in the lock and admit to the temple of wisdom. The door cannot be forced. "A standard-bearer" is a leader or reformer who helps us forward.

"An Indian chief demanding recognition" could be either a Native American or an East Indian. If you have a guru of either variety (or any other) you may well give heed to him or her. Some individuals are appointed to be leaders because of their singleness of vision and inflexible, dignified character. They and their disciples, of whom you may be one, share their lives and aspirations in a bracing sorority-fraternity "fellowship supper."

{Monday}   {In the Half-Light, Principles Protect}

Cosmic Piper

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