Friday, December 13, 2019

Message for Saturday 14 December 2019

Saturday 14 December 2019

~From Loneliness to Natural Sharing~

Moon in Cancer-->Leo
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week remains until early Sunday
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:58a PT | 10:58a ET | 3:58p UT
until it enters Leo at 7:57p PT | 10:57p ET | 3:57a(Su) UT

Void-of-course periods have been frequent recently (12 hours today) and there is no reason to let them get one down. They might not be the best for final decisions about anything important, in fact I would discourage doing that at such times when possible. However, they can be fine for things like holiday planning, shopping, Christmas greetings, or anything relatively routine or simply enjoyable when nothing major is at stake. 

As for the symbols, let's proceed from the more sober to the more promising. First, there could be some pain in connection with what seems misplaced confidence or insecure affection. Is someone really hurting you, or are you imagining it? Maybe you have done something thoughtlessly to offend someone and don't realize it? Of course, worrying about that endlessly would make things worse, so you can be a nucleating influence in the whole situation by attending to your own business. Transient responsibilities are not horrible, and they prepare you for entering into personal relations on a more spiritual level.

A different level is the mental or intellectual, which looks promising. You may read a lot, or listen to speeches or podcasts. You admire someone with the gift of facile expression whether in politics or literature. This is more than superficial, because subtle wisdom is displayed by some with extraordinary ability. Some seem to be "uplifted beacons" while others rely on their knowledge and follow their leading light. 

Nature is not to be neglected, whether in the form of Christmas trees (I bow out from discussing their environmental impact, about which there is honest disagreement) or the landscapes around you whatever your climate or weather. The open country and beauties of nature are ours to behold and appreciate. We are susceptible to their elevating influence when in a patient, peaceful mood. At a more social level, there could be "a tankard set upon a table." This symbolizes the common, honest, sincere life of humanity as gathered round a table to enjoy a festive occasion. This is not drunkenness but amiable feelings eliciting glimmers of spiritual truth, the Christmas season at its best.

{Saturday}  ~From Loneliness to Natural Sharing~

Cosmic Piper

1 comment:

  1. Post out-going email, I come to read your cosmic-piping for this day of December. How touching and confirming, “From Loneliness to Natural Sharing”—in word and in deed! Blessings to you.
