Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Message for Wednesday 18 December 2019

Wednesday 18 December 2019

\Beauty and Favor/

Moon in Virgo

Beauties of the season are upon us. This could be quite wonderful. 

There is an intellectual component, "a scientist with telescope pointing heavenwards." This could be study of any kind, some of it of the outward and visible, some of it within clairvoyant realms we contact in special states of consciousness. The three "wise men," let's remember, were astrologers (see the fine translation of the New English Bible's account in Matthew). There is "contemplation and philosophical musing" which takes one into communion with Nature, with pervasive peace and rest. Some experience this while gazing at a Christmas tree or manger scene. It is not superficial but leads one to sense that one, like Jesus, is "a favored child." 

A "poet, painter or musician" whose life is tenuous (like that of van Gogh) could be in your mind or you could experience some of his or her work appreciatively. Some souls are like "a woman drawing two dark curtains aside," daring to visualize possibilities beyond any limited threshold. One gambles on life with psychological indomitability.

The ornamental and uplifting may be experienced deeply with or without romantic-erotic overtones, among friends of any sort. There is refinement, eloquence, artistry, and music (muse-ic). It could be a good holiday-party time. According to a system I believe in, the last thirteen-but-one days of the year are ruled by the Hearts of the card-deck, beginning today with the King of Hearts, down to the Ace on December 30, and then the Fool or Joker on the 31st, before January 1st which is the King of Spades. (He says, "Get your act together," which we feel on New Year's.) Today, while Luna trines Venus in the evening amid Hearts, we could have a superb holiday adventure. 

{Wednesday}  /Beauty and Favor\

Cosmic Piper

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