Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Message for Wednesday 1 January 20120

Wednesday 1 January 2020

~Within the Maze a Heritage~

Moon in Pisces-->Aries
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week begins at 5:14a PT | 8:14a ET | 1:14p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:15p PT | 9:15p ET | 2:15a(Th) UT
until it enters Aries at 8:02p PT | 11:02p ET | 4:02a(Th) UT

New Year's Eve and New Year's Day have always seemed rather baneful to me. Maybe that could be blamed on Capricorn, sign of Saturn the "big nasty" planet . . . or the Teaching, Correcting planet if one wants to be nice.

Therefore the painful, baneful "New Year's Resolutions" one knows will be so hard to keep.

We have "a butcher conducting a sheep into a slaughter-house." Well, if you are not a vegetarian or vegan, you are that butcher. Think about it. Or the butcher can just be our realization that we have to sacrifice some "animal" within ourselves if we are going to live up to any of those famous "Resolutions." Take it however it pleases you; that you will do anyway (sorry but I feel pretty cynical about both myself and my readers). "A serpent standing erect within a circle of fire" however is Knowledge of a brave sort. One searches out secrets of nature or of business or of the stock market (many planets in money places in the daily chart). Mars in the final degree of Scorpio in septile and tri-septile with Uranus while the latter is bi-septile Saturn is a fateful configuration. Many will feel distraught or uneasy. What is left undone that you need to do? These planets are screaming that question to you; they are the fire around you but you by rising to the occasion are not hurt by the fire but "take life at a crisis and turn it back from the gates of death." 

We and the serpent are still in that blazing "maze." I feel it. You must, if you are honest. Many things seem more complicated than you wish them to be. But we can figure it out. At the moment, only the shallow would find the maze entertaining. Its enigmas cry for solution. "The Halloween jester" may be spontaneously buoyant but his overbroad humor may leave bruises. Is he a shallow jokester or does wisdom lurk in his irony?

There is inspiration, and there is belief in things supernormal. (What would we do without that? Even the materialists pretend they believe in going to Mars or freezing their bodies for a future resuscitation, so the "supernormal" for them is pretty ordinary yet extraordinary.  They certainly do lack imagination, even they must admit.) The real supernormal is really super and really normal at the super level; read Leslie Kean's Surviving Death to find out a few of those secrets the serpent gets at crisis point. The sweetest symbol of the day tells of "a spacious park with baronial mansion in the background." Charubel says this estate or possession may belong to us even though we don't realize it; it has come down from high-class ancestors. We could claim our inheritance at a spiritual or material level or both.

{Wednesday}  ~Within the Maze a Heritage~

Cosmic Piper

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