Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Thursday 2 January 2020

^Toward Greater Realms of the Real^

Moon in Aries
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us until Saturday evening (This weekly period of self-challenge is gradually moving to earlier in the week)

Matters of great importance seem to be pressing for attention. These are probably not dangerous but are crucial and one feels that timing is of the essence so one wants to get to them promptly. 

Counter to this is a tendency to take things too easy, to rest upon one's bed as if sick. At worst this is apathy and "let George do it." Maybe the answer is quick naps or short periods of meditation and prayer. Five minutes to a half hour spent thus can do wonders in rejuvenation. Further, when one's crucial work is done, one could devote time to meditation or study which leads to other-worldly awareness. At those moments the ordinary world pressing on us may seem insignificant. At worst one might dismiss it with contempt rather than cast upon it a perspective which could heal or uplift it. 

"A Middle Eastern city such as Istanbul" (Charubel) could refer to Baghdad and events there. I make no comment on that since it is a developing matter. The septile pattern---Mars, Saturn and Uranus in septile, bi- and tri-septile relations with one another--suggests fate in connection with upheavals which at worst can be violent, but let us affirm that this shall not be. "The Halloween jester" suggests that the disturbance is a spontaneous release from demands to live up to high ideals, a "Well so what, just laugh at it" response. It's a matter of saying, Nothing else has worked so "jest" make fun of it all. 

That, of course, has its limits and could be a momentary mood saving us from worse errors. High aspirations make us restless; we want to conquer fresh territory, adventure into wide-scaled action. This is avid exploration. We might live out a role of naturalist, or seer, of someone open to receive and reflect truth no matter where it comes from: "A large glass ball or globe, capable of receiving the images of the stars in space as well as reflecting the panorama of the earth." This alludes to the ultimate role of astrology and other studies which awaken or open occult vision. You may share such activity with someone with whom there is mutual respect.

{Thursday}  ^Toward Greater Realms of the Real^

Cosmic Piper

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