Sunday, January 12, 2020

Message for Monday 13 January 2020

Monday 13 January 2020

\After Successful Rescue, Pleasure and Cheer/

Moon in Leo-->Virgo
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:43a PT | 8:43a ET | 1:43p UT
until it enters Virgo at 6:08a PT | 9:08a ET | 2:08p UT

I am always somewhat amused by Charubel's symbol for 25Capricorn 26, "Too revolting to be given." He warns us to beware of "bad company," "the gambling hells," and "stimulants." That is pretty solid advice. You might note people falling into self-defeating habits or addictions. On the other hand, we can't avoid the world entirely so the trick might be keeping one's composure while all around seem to be losing theirs. One could then be a stabilizing influence. "Rocks and things forming therein" symbolize the composition of our minds and thoughts when we create our reality effectively from what has already been settled or established. 

One could be saved, financially or otherwise, by someone or some agency "throwing a lifebuoy." Or one might do this for someone else. When oneself and Nature have proved inadequate to an emergency, someone else might have the particular mana or skill which saves the situation. Or one might oneself be "a true knight, a defender of the defenseless, a benefactor of the poor and indigent." We need such individuals, no matter what the politicians may do or fail to do.

Though not everything is perfect in the daily chart (when is it? we have to make our own perfection), the final two symbols suggest that the square between Venus and Mars (January 8 through February 15 by the largest 10-degree orb) can be stimulating and thrilling rather than contentious. "A man and woman stand face to face, their hands clasped." One feels genial and sociable. There is fidelity and devotion. One can form combinations and unite forces which would be incomplete singly. "A man and a woman play together, with fruits, flowers and wine upon a table beside them." There are youthful animal spirits and mirthfulness. (The grinch says, remember the first paragraph so these indulgences do not disintegrate into confusion.) At best, pleasure, cheer and love could find us ready to appreciate and pyramid them.

{Monday}  /After Successful Rescue, Pleasure and Cheer\ 

Cosmic Piper

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