Friday, January 17, 2020

Message for Saturday 18 January 2020

Saturday 18 January 2020

~Self-Potentiality as Dignity~

Moon in Scorpio
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week has ended (at 0:52a PT | 3:52a ET | 8:52a UT)
< moon remains in the Via Combusta until 12:17p PT | 3:17p ET | 8:17p UT

It is not always wrong to be self-centered, if this is not gross selfishness but an attempt to go within and get one's spiritual bearings. It is a nucleation of one's "illimitable self-potentiality" (Dr. Jones). While doing that you may get illumination about very practical matters. The world is "a laboratory for the soul." You reconcile various factors in your life through an "inner and spiritual outreaching." 

There is a sense in which all individuals are the same. This is hard for our egos to see. Yet each is also unique, and the square between Mercury and Uranus brings out that uniqueness, not necessarily detracting from the common similarity. "A woman reading tea leaves" sees the "possible consummations" of an individual life and brings them to encouraging focus. So we see how to take part in the universal scheme with advantages to ourself. 

Illumination can come from long and patient study. (This can be a virtue of Capricorn, in which four planets domicile while Mars is in Sagittarius, sign of philosophic insight.) Patient vigils exercise the intelligence toward grasping the secrets of nature's hidden laws. We may take our inheritance through an ancient lineage, such as "an officer arrayed like a Chinese mandarin." The world entrusts its charges, and high estate, to those whose dignity overcomes all opposition.

{Saturday}  ~Self-Potentiality as Dignity~

P. S. I am avoiding discussion of current politics, including the impeachment proceedings. But you could, if you wish, apply the above reading to various characters in that drama, or any other current event, and see what is intimated to you. It is definitely helpful to re-read these forecast-meditations at the end of the day, or early the next, to bring memories into focus.

Cosmic Piper

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