Thursday, January 16, 2020

Message for Friday 17 January 2020

Friday 17 January 2020

~Birds of a Feather Peck or Coo~

Moon in Libra-->Scorpio
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week remains until Saturday just after midnight (0:52a PT | 3:52a ET | 8:52a UT)  
< moon remains in the Via Combusta
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:00a PT | 8:00a ET | 1:00p UT
until it enters Scorpio at 10:22a PT | 1:22p ET | 6:22p UT

The above information is amplified by this: "An indescribable scene: chaos, confusion, dissolving views." Sounds like the dystopias invented by multiple script-writers for TV series! If that's your taste, you can have it today. But after the horror one might feel like "a wreck floating on a peaceful sea." There can be salvage. The "wreck" drifts to the shore and all can renegotiate or reconstruct their lives. 

"A large group of pheasants" suggests the illimitability of human procreation or multiplication, as if one were "just another pheasant, they all look alike." Well, that is humbling. "A large aviary" on the other hand suggests a wide variety of different species, or human types, so that community arises from their appreciating or even glorying in their differences. Mercury and the sun square Uranus show a strong desire to "be oneself" while fitting one's uniqueness into the broader society one way or another.

'A youth holding a lighted candle" is transcending all the confusions and sometimes abrasive differences by simply relying on the light, on Something greater than whatever perplexes him. Then he might meet with "a golden-haired goddess of opportunity" who emanates protection and reward, thus inspiring confidence. Such lovely harmony could be ours (if we rise beyond the lunar issues in the data above) especially around 3-11 pm ET | 6p-2a ET | 11p-7a UT. 

{Friday}  ~Birds of a Feather Peck or Coo~

Cosmic Piper

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