Thursday, January 2, 2020

Message for Friday 3 January 2020

Friday 3 January 2020

^Summoning Tolerance and Mutual Support^

Moon in Aries
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is exact in the afternoon-evening, ending quite late Saturday night
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:19p PT | 8:19p ET | 1:19a(Sa) UT

It doesn't seem like a party Friday. Luna's sextile with Venus in the afternoon could feel pleasant, but fizzle out into difficulties in the evening. That's on the outer, superficial level; spiritual strength can prevail under all aspects.

Being alone much of the time might be wise. Or else one could retain one's inner separation from outer difficulties, such as intense criticism either of oneself or of others, or an urge to criticize them oneself. Much is wrong with "the world" and people yet we do not have to weed out the errors all at once. (Jesus said the "tares" could be left till harvest time.) You feel you are a lofty soul high above the crudity or crass self-centeredness of many around you. With indifference to that, you could attain inner peace.

Others' insecurities and your own are there to be resolved somehow. You may be like the person keeping guard at the gate of an encampment of refugees and invalids. You want to help, and they cling to you for support. Faith within them and within yourself can raise all up from incompetence as well as tactlessness. This takes time and patience.

Then, perhaps, that camp of the forlorn could become "a Grand Army of the Republic campfire" where all admit their weaknesses or past failures but feel cheered by reminiscence and camaraderie. "We're all in this together." Even, all might sense that "the gate to the garden of desire" is not really locked but could open through uncompromising faith and naive optimism. The dismal "party" of the forlorn and critical could be a passageway into prospects of the wonderful. If this seem not outwardly true, it could be true within the soul.

{Friday}  ^Summoning Tolerance and Mutual Support^

Cosmic Piper

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