Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Message for Thursday 30 January 2020

Thursday 30 January 2020

^Care Around Thorns^

Moon in Aries
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us until Saturday evening

Pushfulness and forcefulness cannot overcome Nature, when Nature is understood to be the underlying laws or patterns of human nature and human evolution. And so those who "push and shove" will not have a good day. "A battle-field of deadly conflict," though symbolic, still describes too much of what is going on in Washington and elsewhere. Yet Mars square Neptune has a colorful side to it, a desire to overcome sordid boring reality---but then the escape into a "colorful" reality of sex and drugs could end up even more sordid (the AIDS epidemic was one example). There can be a sense of failure, and irrational fears or phobias leading to dangerous reactions. 

Still there could be good decisions, as if a flash of lightning proceeding from a cloud illumined the intellect and one's choices. Then one could exercise an effective executive capacity. That means "cleavage," that is, rejecting some things to emphasize others. That includes ruthlessly examining choices and weeding out what is unprofitable. Financial fortunes, for example, may depend on such sharp discrimination.

Motion has pluses and minuses. You might benefit from temporary changes of location, as in your town or neighborhood. You make full use of your immediate genius, no matter what frontier is at the forefront. Some may offer you gifts or trinkets in a flattering or kindly manner, and you may do the same. It's something like sharing berries picked from thorny bushes.

{Thursday}  ^Care Around Thorns^

Cosmic Piper

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