Sunday, January 5, 2020

Message for Monday 6 January 2020

Monday 6 January 2020

\Voiding the Void to Shore Up Peace/

Moon in Taurus-->Gemini
/moon goes void-of-course at 4:09a PT | 7:09a ET | 12:09p UT
until it enters Gemini at 6:12p PT | 9:12p ET | 2:12a(Tu) UT

With the recent war-like events in Iraq and Iran, and the uncertainty over what is next, it is easy to get "spooked" by a chart like today's. It has moon opposite Mars while the former is void-of-course (she was v-of-c on 9/11/2001, just as a reference point), Mars quincunx Uranus (possible violence), Mars in high focus and at a critical degree, and the conjunction between Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn (Saturn's sign) very close to exact and getting closer. Of course I would not predict warlike attacks from this alone, but such acts are probably going through the minds of politicians and military strategists not only in the U S. and Iran but around the world. This is borne out by some of today's symbols, such as "A powerful man holding a scourge in his right hand and driving two slaves in manacles." This is a tyrant "who takes delight in power apart from its uses." It is despotism. Of course many Iranians think Trump is the despot and many others think Suleimani and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei are the despots. Further, we have "A raging bull stamping upon the body of a dog." These are two of Signor Borelli's most violent symbols. I believe, and hope, that these will not  be manifested in direct action but they certainly symbolize what many deeply affected by these happenings must be feeling. All need to calm down and talk rather than react and attack. Blame games can help no one at this point. (What international agency or government is trying to set up peace talks? And if not, why not?)

The "void" into which people sometimes rush at these times should be instead a resting period, a time for calm meditation and waiting so that things can sort themselves out.

If we relax rather than react and fumble, we could be like "a girl surreptitiously bathing in the nude," stripping back to essentials and exulting in our bodies as "temples of the spirit." What other enchanting visions, such as landscapes, could signify preservation of our precious planet and our nations, rather than self-destructive warfare? Ponder the beauty of your nations, Iranians and Americans, rather than the ugliness of what you think you see. 

"Two men playing chess" are obviously Trump and Khamenei. A New York Times writer even compared the next steps in the conflict to a complex chess game. Trump said that "52" Iranian targets are being considered, something like the 64 squares on a board. This is not a game we look forward to. We may "mobilize at a point of challenge" but we need "completeness of perspective." The third player in this game is humanity at large which has a stake in peace. "An angel carrying a harp" shows that maybe the angels at least have not abandoned us. Let us hope Khamenei and Trump will take a break long enough to hear the heavenly strains inclining them to something better than mutual destruction. Let us pray.

{Monday}  /Voiding the Void to Shore Up Peace\

Cosmic Piper

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