Monday, January 6, 2020

Message for Tuesday 7 January 2020

Tuesday 7 January 2020

}Young and Old Naifs{

Moon in Gemini

Hovering in the background is the stellium (four planets or more, in this case five) in Capricorn. It is a good, strong sign and I have had excellent Capricorn friends over the years. It can go wrong sometimes if it fusses too much about what other people are doing or fail to do. I have noted that in past years I have had "breaks" with organizations during the Capricorn month. Then I saw that there is a hypothesis that there are more divorce proceedings begun in Januaries, the Capricorn month. "Something isn't right, something isn't working" is a Capricorn or Saturn feeling and it can be valid. The question then is, do you really jettison something or do you try to fix it? Not always easy to answer. This time it has been the Iran-America, Khamenei-Trump dispute (instigated of course by the assassination of Suleimani the Iranian general. I have looked at his horoscope and could say a lot about him, but not today). It is a "divorce" in a big way awaiting some kind of resolution. Let us hope.

Today we have "a little child learning to walk." "Oh, not again" is my first thought. Because in the Capricorn mentality (which we share this time of year) there is a desire to get things right the first time and keep them right. Still, we may be re-learning things and we ought not to resent that because it keeps us younger. As we encourage the child taking first steps, so we need to encourage other adults and ourselves when trying something new, or re-trying something old. This is far better than just giving up, as if we were "a young laurel tree broken by the wind and withered." Anyone who does that to a child is criminal. So let us not do it to ourselves or anyone. If they or we seem incapable of some project, just let it be. Harassment doesn't help. Contentment allows natural powers to assert themselves in their own direction and style. 

Two opposite paths seem open. Perhaps the wisest can do something in both directions. One is steady industry, diligence, fidelity to one's goals. The other is gambling, "A bookmaker or betting man, the racers at full speed on the course." The steady worker might also speculate a bit in investments or trades. Whether that is favored for you I cannot say, but if someone loses someone has to win, it would appear.  

Then after our gambler wins at the track, here is what's next: "A man of stout make, good proportions, round rosy features, looking very merry, dances grotesquely." Voila! No one can stop him. The kid learning to walk is now the old dude trying to dance. We have to try, don't we? Feels like fun. Tomorrow is another day; the tree will still be there for the beaver to gnaw on. If we have a worthy object, our steps up the hill of aspiration will be firm, and at the top "an angel form giving words of cheer holds a golden crown"awaiting us.

{Tuesday}  {Young and Old Naifs}

Cosmic Piper

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