Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Message for Thursday 23 January 2020

Thursday 23 January 2020

\Mutual Protection/

Moon in Capricorn
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues (until Saturday morning)
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:10p PT | 9:10p ET | 2:10a(F) UT

You may worry that some of your hopes and schemes could, after seeming to be propitious, fail you at last. This is not inimical fate but a result of anticipating something which is unrealistic. So it is good, especially on a |difficult third| day, to suspect that the "fox running apace in the moonlight" may be promising you too much while really intent on his crafty predation. He has secrets that would not bear the light of day. Caution regarding investment or spending is advisable. 

Being content with your home, or spending time there, maybe making it more pleasant, could be spirit-lifting. Thinking about oneself is not always self-centered and decadent but could help you get your bearings and a sense of what you are all about. You aspire toward hidden knowledge, "The Pyramids and the Sphinx," and could pursue and find some of it, as if it had always been within you and needed only an awakened imagination to bring it to life. This could help you get over the hard part of the week which more-or-less reaches its peak right when the moon goes void-of-course (time above) because it happens to be squared to Saturn then. Not "bad" but "serious."

Taking on responsibilities is strengthening rather than burdensome. Your merits can bring you into a position of trust, such as "an officer arrayed like a Chinese mandarin in an official robe of purple, gold and blue." Working alone is the necessary prelude to being lauded in public. The hard aspects today---sun square Uranus, Venus square Mars, and moon square Saturn---are a challenge to live for someone else or for G*d and the human race. Somehow you are seriously linked with someone very close to you whom you guard, and who guards you. This is symbolized by "a circle within a circle, both concentric." Sometimes one of you is the outer circle, sometimes the other.  The harmony between you reflects the harmony each has with the world as a whole.

{Thursday}  /Mutual Protection\

Cosmic Piper

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