Friday, December 20, 2019

Message of Saturday 21 December 2019

Saturday 21 December 2019

~Combining Worldly and Spiritual Ambitions~

Moon in Libra-->Scorpio
/moon goes void-of-course at 3:47a PT | 6:47a ET | 11:47a UT
until it enters Scorpio at 4:58a PT | 7:58a ET | 12:58p UT
< moon remains in the Via Combusta (a cosmic reshuffling, sometimes with attendant doubt or loss of morale)
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week ends at 1:52p PT | 4:52p ET | 9:52p UT

"A cyclic man, not a time man" is one who lives a life beyond the present scheme of things, sensing the future's glories though finding it hard to communicate what they mean to anyone. This could be how many lonesome individuals feel. However, we also have "Indians rowing a canoe and dancing a war dance," or a group which mobilizes for action. The "cyclic man" whose head is illumined by a heavenly ray might be able to lead them aggressively into a better phase of things.

And so we become "hunters starting out for ducks," keeping up with an enterprise we have started, honoring our own freedom of action with the elbow-room we make for ourselves in the world. This could bring startling success: "A man spading, a pick-axe nearby, holds in his hands a jewel reflecting the sun's rays." Exploration, discovery, and fortuitous means could grant considerable wealth or other good fortune. 

There are spiritual riches as well. Giving one form of wealth to get the other is a common experience, as the monk giving up all for his vocation, or in reverse mode the idealist becoming a realist and pursuing money. Balancing the two necessities is an art which perhaps few master. Perhaps "The Pope" is one, living among the luxuries of the Vatican while attempting to demonstrate to the world the virtues he is called upon to teach with his words. Sanctity is really sanctity when based on sacrifice or service. With a patient and firm will one surrenders to the Will of Heaven.

{Saturday}  ~Combining Worldly and Spiritual Ambitions~

Cosmic Piper

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