Thursday, December 19, 2019

Message for Friday 20 December 2019

Friday 20 December 2019

}From Foibles to Fearless Affirmations{

Moon in Libra
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues (until Saturday evening)
< moon in the Via Combusta (until Sunday morning)

I would like to say, "Just relax and enjoy the holiday season," but our clairvoyants are telling us we could be lazy to our detriment: "A man lying upon a sheaf of corn, asleep, with viands at his side," and "A soldier derelict in duty." Dreams and visions need the power of action to be realized. One needs to be intelligent and responsive rather than unpractical and indifferent. It may be okay to "buck the system" like the derelict soldier if one is living out a principle or making a valid point, but not if one is deviating from reasonable obligations.

One could rise above these indications and be "a plowman plowing," steady and industrious. Yet still there is a possibility of twisting one's thinking in some way which is fearful to no point, or anxious, and thereby losing one's way,  failing to follow the direct and honest course.

Overcoming such weaknesses, one could become hospitable and generous, kindly and warmhearted, in one's "small cottage with wide-open door." Having faced your own weaknesses and foibles, you have compassion on others confronting similar problems. You might even let them impose on you, which is not a sin but might be imprudent if extreme. But it's the season for jollity. You and someone you know could be "Chanticleers," cocks, so called from the clearness or loudness of their voices in crowing. The integrity of your cognitions or judgments gains acceptance from those who appreciate your fervent role of self-affirmation. 

{Friday}  {From Foibles to Fearless Affirmations}

Cosmic Piper

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