Friday, December 6, 2019

Message for Saturday 7 December 2019

Saturday 7 December 2019

^Emerging from Darkness^

Moon in Aries

|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week remains until Sunday morning
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:02a PT | 10:02a ET | 3:02p UT
until it enters Taurus at 11:30p PT | 2:30a(Su) ET | 7:30a(Su) UT

A new Bright Hermetic Epoch begins in the afternoon, continuing until February 2, 2020.  This is the fast-Mercury-straight-ahead phase, when it is easier to focus on and plan outward schemes and projects, and accomplish them.

Yet, as of now, some of your projects or efforts may seem fruitless or vacuous. This is a transition point so either you should not give up hope and faith in what you expect  to do, or you should take a radical new approach in some cases. Mere fretting and worrying would not help. The worse instincts or animosities of some might come to the fore and so it is good to beware of inciting wrath or upsetting anyone.

Vacillation and procrastination are not helpful, yet with the moon void-of-course most of the day you may not be able to avoid some of that. What is really essential? It is good to focus on that alone, and  the rest will take care of itself. There is an aptitude for invention and discovery, so you might do that with some success, even if you can't implement what you discover for a while. The imaginative and intellectual can be not only interesting but worth while during some v-of-c periods. It's just that the exact earthly value of them may be uncertain. Maybe there is remote value in the sheerly visionary.

Favors from fortune are not impossible, however. "A soft cloudy cumulus upon a bright horizon" is a signal that the pliant and sympathetic part of your nature has gained approval from the cosmos and shall be duly rewarded. Inoffensiveness and forebearance are virtues. They make for an attitude which smooths things out ahead of you. You receive aid from those in superior positions. This, or the hope for it and promise of it, is enough to calm you and make up for the day's difficulties.

{Saturday}  ^Emerging from Darkness^

Cosmic Piper

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