Sunday, October 17, 2010

Forecast for Monday 18 October 2010

Monday 18 October 2010

~Subtle Melancholy Turning to Genial Reassurance~

There's a lot of inner harmony which can develop into outer harmony. Bells within your mind chime along with the music of the spheres. There is a semi-erotic trend as well, while the moon in Pisces trines Venus in Scorpio, combining the spiritually uplifting with the genially sensuous. This is exact before and after the sunset hours.

Efforts you've been making to get your home or headquarters in order could proceed with gusto. Now is the time to sense and know just where everything should be, "a place for everything" as the old adage goes.

You might listen to a talk or peruse a missive which inspires you and those around you in an unusual way. It appeals to your innate sense of what is right, natural and ethically symmetrical. You may find yourself spouting such wisdom so that it gets a welcome.

A subtler and sadder strain emanates from Mars's square with Neptune, a desire to remember those who have passed from this world in a way worthy of them, to link yourself with advanced souls no longer embodied. There could be mild grief or merely heightened sentimental sensitivity concerning them.

Some with whom you are acquainted are warning against injustices, trying to defend themselves and all from what they regard as threats to liberty imposed by governments. Uncertainty about what to do in this regard arises from the fact that you need to watch and acquire more information. There is an endless struggle between forces of individual freedom and those of socially (governmentally) imposed order. The right balance between them is never perceived by the extremists on either side. Yet to hear both sides, even the extremists, is an aid to arriving at a reasonable middle.

Courage in your attack helps you sort out what is most beneficial for you financially. You may look into hidden or little-known potentials along such lines. (Not get-rich-quick schemes posted on the Internet, please.) You are adept in choosing what is reasonably selfish but not stupidly or immorally so. Therefore you can mediate between extremes by looking toward what is immediately possible and desirable.

Some fears are foolish--we call them paranoid--and you can drop those which would upset you pointlessly. There is comfort and ease within your home or within the personal space of your job. You need not exaggerate or imagine threats to it. You find safety not by being hysterical but by trusting the calm creative center within you.

You are aware of needing someone. You may know who it is, or imagine; you may be partly wrong in your surmise, but whatever happens you will be fortunate in connecting with someone who reassures you you are valued and enjoyed, perhaps especially before and after the sunset hours already recommended.

{Monday} ~Subtle Melancholy Turning to Genial Reassurance~

Cosmic Piper

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