Friday, October 8, 2010

Forecast for Weekend of October 9-10, 2010

Weekend of October 9-10, 2010

~Willingness to Trust the Beloved~

It seems like a social weekend, with people-energies merging. Wherever you go people are looking for something deeper and finding it partially through the "shocks" (in Ouspensky's sense) they get from one another. Shocks in this designation can be thrilling rather than upsetting; that depends on one's reaction to them. What is other than one's expectation can be thrilling rather than upsetting.

Mercury's conjunction with Saturn seems to play into a concern about your appearance, personality, and manner of self-presentation, so that you feel better after grooming yourself and putting on fresh clothing. Then you can forget about all that and focus on others rather than yourself, for that is what they want from you; then they will return the favor.

Your career seems mysterious. If someone asks you what you do, you may give a guarded, mysterious, or fantastic reply. You want the freedom to be what you want to be rather than someone's boxed concept of you.

Poisoned love thrives on jealousy and you may note the green monster in yourself or others. How you would like to manipulate someone's feelings in your favor! You may also judge someone harshly and feel you have a right to interfere, intervene, or punish. You may delight in the fact that finite loves and passions are temporary and look forward to someone falling out of love with someone. Not nice: the green monster. On the other hand, seeing that things change can be healthy, as in enjoying the autumn coloring of the leaves soon to fall.

What others want to eliminate may disturb you, as someone taking away a vine, plant, tree, or other favorite gem of nature. You may also feel that certain friends reverse their feelings toward you, seeming to become enemies. It is well to be philosophic and detached about that, not expecting too much from anyone, and trusting in G*d more than in man. You have your own occult powers, or spirits or entities who like you and will help. What they do can be surprising and often unknown to you. You have created a place for them in your living and consciousness, so they want you to be well and happy. (The only danger in such knowledge could be trusting to such entities more than to the Supreme Lord, which would be a complete misplacement of loyalty.) Some of the gifts with which you are blessed could make you a little complacent, or lost in the gifts rather than taking your part in sustaining and sharing them, but this need not be so when you realize that the sharing is part of the blessing.

You don't need to argue too much with the nature of things or fight people needlessly. You may see that especially on Sunday, when a feeling of hospitality and community wealth and togetherness brings fulfillment. Sincerity leads to prosperity. There is some danger, on Saturday, of letting anger, irascibility or impatience take over. You could prevent that, however. By Sunday you see into people more deeply and understand them better and so feel better about their behavior. You will see that the consequences of your acts are unavoidable, and so will choose to be responsible and bring the best possible results into view by sharing your life with others, rather than trying to go it alone, even when that seems difficult at first.

Comradeship, jovial and sympathetic, is good both days. People are more than they seem; and when they "let their hair down" and "spill it out" they discover unsuspected depths of sympathy and affection in each other. Innocence is a beautiful quality, and a true friend seems innocent, acting from the heart. Then wherever you go together you find yourselves at home. Attachments which form naturally are reminiscent of the past and prophetic of happy futures.

{Weekend of October 9-10, 2010} ~Willingness to Trust the Beloved~

Cosmic Piper

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