Monday, October 25, 2010

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Tuesday 26 October 2010

}A Path through Luck and Beauty{

There is a stabilization of thinking, greater certainty about what you believe.

Personal charm and magnetism consolidate friendships, even when there has been confusion about loyalty. Someone you like falls under your influence.

A spontaneous mood can surface even while you work. People feel secure enough, even financially, to joke and play a bit.

You feel certain you can win over any opponent. This does not make you foolhardy but confident enough so that you are unwavering in your plans, not daunted by what would appear to be threats if you were timorous.

The Part of Fortune in the 8th makes you feel that change is in the air, and can be a little unsettling, yet it can help you realize the value of your past, your parentage and ancestry, while you move forward into fresh situations warily.

You don't lose prestige, because you hold on tightly to what you know to be your secret powers and abilities, and they manifest, without your planning, at the right time to show people that you are strong and in control. At the same time, you have a tendency to see through hypocrisy in religious leaders or followers, or the non-religious atheists who think they are the wave of the future (as the proponents of the so-called Enlightenment thought 250 years ago). "There is none righteous, no not one" says the Lord through the voice of the Psalmist. Idols have clay feet and it is not wise to elevate them beyond their stature, though when they exercise a proper teaching or leading role they can be superb as long as they don't overstep their bounds.

Laboring for fewer results than you wish is normal now, so there is no reason to feel resentment. The best have had to do that. Some of that trend will improve beginning Monday November 1.

You might want to lock certain individuals who seem false or trivial out of your life, yet they stick with you until you learn what you have to learn from them, and teach them what you have to teach, all unconsciously, most likely. This is a process of patience which brings rewards eventually.

The fine arts, and drama or music, are emphasized in a happy way, to the point that you encounter them in your work even, or use them there. Someone in authority has stunning good taste in music or the arts which you may be unaware of, because he or she does not announce this.

Someone young but wise gets your attention and draws your interest or libido. Innocence is an amazing quality, invoking the blessings of the gods as well as freshness and creativity from onlookers.

What you have decided at some deep level is coming to pass. This is magic.

Love-attractions are mixed somehow with thinking and planning. They happen in the workplace as well as secretly. Likewise, monetary fortunes can improve dramatically. There is luck with gems, metals, investments, or other boons, some unexpected. You find what you need to find, get what you need to get.

A side of you which has been unsocial or timid opens and closes, clams up and releases its glory for the world to see. Involved in yourself, you can't help being that, so people notice and appreciate. Then by being a treasure you find more treasure.

Someone attractive to you carries the day, shows you how wonderful it is to be innocent and brave, true and youthful, idealistic and beautiful. Then you see that these qualities are not missing in yourself.

{Tuesday} {A Path through Luck and Beauty}

Cosmic Piper

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