Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Forecast for Thursday 21 October 2010

Thursday 21 October 2010

*Deliberate Gain through Self-Chosen Focus*

Although we remain in the |difficult or challenging third of the week|, there are lucky positions and aspects so you are likely to feel by the end of the day that you have gained something.
The gains will help you face the challenges with patience and even enthusiasm.

One side of you is reserved; wants to focus on your own needs and goals; and will resist friendly overtures when you feel they are not going to help you or would interfere with your timing, which is all-important. "Going it alone" is the name of this trend. You are alert to things around you which you can use and benefit from and so extemporize brilliantly. You can set up camp in any wilderness. Further, you sacrifice some personal desires for the sake of your mission, which weighs heavily but which you would not forsake.

When results of your endeavors seem skimpy, you can rely on other workers in the same domain. Together, you at least keep the project going. You are reforming yourself, cognizant of your weaknesses, failures, and hindering habits. You would not want to announce to the world the weaknesses you are correcting but correct them you shall. You are serving those whom you regard as equals and with whom you can communicate when necessary but not when unnecessary. So because you all care about the project in hand it will be victorious.

Perhaps a woman who is clever, almost scheming, subtle and effective in her persuasions will benefit you or hint at such benefits because at some level she is in your own camp. Together you pursue knowledge which can be effective for good. Your solitary endeavors also can be effective although you need to overcome a tendency to gloomy seclusion or indifference. That you can do because of factors already mentioned.

You divine information through intuitive gifts which can direct you along profitable paths. Your divining rod leads to the mother lode.

Despite the "go it alone" trend, you could at times enjoy the fraternity-sorority of humanity, perhaps when sharing a meal.

Someone who is drawn to you might pretend to be what he or she is not, as a sarcastic joke, meaning no harm, and that enlivens the contact for as long as it lasts and pleases you.

{Thursday} *Deliberate Gain through Self-Chosen Focus*

Cosmic Piper

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