Friday, October 29, 2010

Forecast for Week of October 31-November 6

Weekend of October 30-31, 2010

Toward Solid Fulfillment

Of the weekend itself it could be said that Saturday is more direct and straightforward, while Sunday nebulous or confusing, maybe really a time to relax and recover.

Good, youthful spirits are in evidence both days, with the moon in Leo, though on Sunday tempered by a more mystical and remote disposition.

The serious as opposed to social side of both days is focused on career matters, which are circulating in the back toward the front of your mind in a healthy way.

I said last week that I would attempt to delineate, on the weekends, the difference between the week ending and that beginning. I have become quite convinced that the seven-day week devised by the ancients, or offered to them from on high, has a reality in human experience and that it indeed begins on Sunday, although since Saturday is the intercalary day it partakes of the week ahead as well as the week ending. This time I will try to outline what the week of Sunday October 31 (or Saturday) through Friday November 5 (or Saturday November 6) may hold for us.

One can be initiated into the eternal verities at any time, though it might be there is a special opportunity now. There is a school of thought which insists that illumination is individual, acquired through solitary meditation, and a school of thought which maintains that one must act socially with one's neighbors, family, friends and associates in a harmonious way in order to be initiated, as in Freemasonry and the groups derived from it. That is your choice; it seems you will be impelled toward the latter against your will if you choose the former; the latter is a necessary supplement. This is difficult for the one who has trouble getting along with people. Cultivating what is beautiful or appealing to one's tastes is a help. Someone is sure to appreciate what you enjoy and then there is a rapport.

It is good to be careful of connections which could hurt you or lead you into a pit of ruin. This can be done if you measure and limit your activities with efficiency. You feel that you have some secrets no one else will "get," and that is true. They are securely yours even if in terms of your public persona they seem an obstacle, or lock you out from certain contacts with possibly important people because you are focused on your hidden agenda. Perhaps that cannot be avoided.

Freedom comes to you through very deep studies, even the secret of liberating oneself from death itself. This can happen if you follow your heart as it directs serious choices. Liberty comes also through material prosperity and this is available in perhaps greater measure than recently. You can liberate yourself also from false notions if you are strict in observing what you believe, subconsciously, which is hindering you; I have called these entities "fixed wrong notions" and most people have one or more of them at the root of their failure. It is hard to see them even, then hard to eradicate them. Spiritual study can uproot them.

It seems you are determined to overcome a frivolous side of you, vain and self-centered. The better part of you knows when you are focused too much on attempts to impress people through appearance or personality. You might come to realize that those who are most beloved think very little of how they appear.

You have been laboring at something difficult, as if mining treasure from the earth. In some ways you are escaping from the hardest of the labor, even if it might be necessary again. You have arrived at some secure foundations for your financial fortunes. There are times, however, when you feel this avails little, because you fail to take up opportunities which present themselves.

There is much luck in business, living conditions, and possibly travel plans. It is wise to refrain from drifting with the luck into sensuous, lazy, decadent ways which would deplete your energy and drive. When things are easy one is likely to take the too-easy path.

There could be snobbery and exclusiveness. Of course it is all right to enjoy the fruits which come to you so long as that does not stop you from whatever is your mission in this life. That you may be impelled to carry out with wonderful success if you realize, first, what it is and what it could really mean to people and the human race, as well as to G*d the author of all. Then you will realize also how to implement such unclassifiable skills in a way which brings healing or fulfillment to those touched by them.

{Week of October 31 through November 6, 2010} Toward Solid Fulfillment

Cosmic Piper

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