Thursday, September 30, 2010

Forecast for Friday 1 October 2010

Friday 1 October 2010

~Learned Skills, Improvisation, Gain and Applause~

This looks like a fairly smooth conclusion to the work-week. The conjunction of the sun with Saturn, in the sign of the sun's fall but Saturn's exaltation, has coincided with a number of personal tragedies and even suicides, as one reader pointed out. One of them even was a jump from a bridge, tragic but in accord with the "fall" indicated by the sun in Libra. The purpose of astrology is not to validate these kinds of mistakes, such as the unkindly actions which led to suicides or the act of suicide itself, but to warn against them.

That conjunction is still with us but hopefully will be less stressful now that the moon is no longer square it from the sign Cancer. Anger which has been expressed, or just felt strongly, may still be with you but perhaps you can release it in humorous ways. Dramatizing yourself in a social scene can be thrilling. It is well to have the confidence to do so, because you will not make a fool of yourself, or if you seem to do so, will recover quickly. You might be too defensive or worried about people's reactions.

Your misapprehensions of your true place in life or your way of communicating about it may be a problem, yet others too have such misapprehensions about themselves and it is always possible to do the best you can and get by, perhaps learning something in the process. That need not be embarrassing. Wonderful gains are possible today, or else the assurance that they are coming, which can put you more at ease in conversation or self-display. Your powers are more intense than you realize and you can penetrate toward truths which help or inspire people.

A discerning critic may help you get your bearings mentally or in a field of study. You can learn something while at home or in your headquarters which protects from misadventures which could hurt you. You are inspired in a more positive way by great works of the past, whether in the arts, painting, music, or performance. It is not necessary to hurt, injure or despise people in order to have a corrective effect on them. Your sharp wit or intense criticism can be tempered toward their ability to deal with it.

Your strategies in public can be mapped out ahead of time, yet you are able to improvise them quickly when needed. As said before, you will not make a fool of yourself. Your cleverness is unique and will be recognized as fascinating. Improvisation, whether socially or in your field of expertise, will be "right on." It will add rather than subtract from your reputation as a person of stability and character. You are a tower of strength, and therefore will be appreciated and applauded.

{Friday} ~Learned Skills, Improvisation, Gain and Applause~

Cosmic Piper

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