Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 15 September 2010

Wednesday 15 September 2010

\Facing and Untangling Realities Afresh/

I wonder how you have fared with the two days (Monday and Tuesday) since Mercury turned direct? I myself feel that, although things are still slow, some remarkable developments occurred on those two days. Five separate matters have been clarified and improved for me. All of them took a lot of time, trouble and worry but the effort to straighten them out has been very rewarding. I hope something like that has happened for you also. It is not that everything is perfectly on track yet, but that the changes required are at least evident and I feel so much better about the immediate future, which before had been under a cloud.

Some of this has to do with Mercury's position in Virgo. That is the sign not only of its rulership but of its exaltation. So while things are always troubling while Mercury is retrograde (and to a lesser degree until the 27th), this time at least that planet was in a sign which allowed for careful and reasonable consideration of matters needing resolution. (It remains in Virgo until October 3).

Wednesday and Thursday comprise the |difficult or stressful| third of the week, which will be gone by early Friday morning. It no longer afflicts the weekends as it did most of the summer. Your daily routines may be suffering a great deal of stress in terms of difficult tangles to untangle, yet doing it will make you feel you are strong and on top of things. Communication and even thinking are attempting to grasp or encompass so many factors, some of them contradictory, that the complexities may seem like fever dreams while they last. It is good to be patient with this process because it is rectifying so many factors in your consciousness and your planning which need rectification. In a way, while Mercury has been retrograde the clutch has been out. Now the clutch is gradually being re-engaged but you need to make sure the gears are meshing at every stage. This is not uninteresting and certainly not profitless.

{Wednesday} /Facing and Untangling Realities Afresh\

Cosmic Piper

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