Monday, September 20, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 21 September 2010

Tuesday 21 September 2010

~Intense Interests Pursued~

Organizing one's mind and studying are important. Many things will come to light if you search for them. Getting over an illness or a dis-ease of a more emotional sort is possible if you focus on whatever is your true purpose.

Where there has been disorder, you see the possibility of a better order which will benefit all, through cooperating with people at a professional level.

Isolation is a result of perhaps so many possible connections with people of varying nationalities or backgrounds that you cannot handle them all and drift into indifference. It would be better to measure each by the other so as to arrive at a validation of your more useful insights. Then you can follow rules which you make up yourself. That gives you peace of mind and confidence.

Someone of an ecclesiastical temperament may be within your orbit. He or she wants to gain secret knowledge by delving more deeply into perhaps ancient or else contemporary but obscure records. Such an individual can give you hope. You know that a fresh day is here if you welcome it like a bird welcoming the sunrise.

People who have left or lost their homes, or perhaps never had a secure family, can become very practical through the necessity to do so. Then they are lauded as honest and helpful to all, with no trace of prejudice or bias. You yourself may be sought out by some as one who knows how to provide what is needed and good, whether materially, or socially as an uplifting soul.

{Tuesday} ~Intense Interests Pursued~

Cosmic Piper

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