Monday, September 6, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 7 September 2010

Tuesday 7 September 2010

\Letting Things Coalesce and Re-Emerge/

While Monday seemed a day for socializing, today seems for thinking.

Think! No, that is not a command, merely a suggestion, and a prediction of what you will be inclined to do. The moon conjoined to Mercury retrograde in Virgo, the sign of Mercury's exaltation, suggests clear and useful thinking and planning, although since Mercury is retrograde this will be somewhat difficult, confused, or backtracking. You can review what is wrong or what needs to be fixed or organized or resettled. Then you can take action on some of it. This could also be important study.

The fact of the moon slimming down toward the end of the Old Moon, which will become the New Moon Wednesday morning, suggests taking it easy with some things when there is no clear need for intense activity. Rather, routines and necessities can be handled simply and effectively.

You care about your work or your official status, standing, or career, or your personal volunteer projects, and can proceed with those, even if some of the "procedure" is clearing up the past, with five other planets besides Mercury also retrograde. You are catching up with some things. Completely new things would be in limbo; unfruitful.

Mars and Venus together in Libra while in good aspect with Neptune and Pluto give us a backdrop of harmony. This is something soft, gentle, sweet and easygoing which we can tune in with whenever we please.
It can be entertainment when you feel that to be beneficent. Not everything is hurry and worry. These aspects reduce the stress of the T square on which I commented yesterday. Kindness and charitableness have their immediate rewards in absence of worry; peacefulness.

Letting things come together, while observing all closely, rather than forcing them to come together from a preconceived plan, is a key.

{Tuesday} /Letting Things Coalesce and Re-Emerge\

Cosmic Piper

Daily forecast-meditation at:

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