Thursday, September 9, 2010

Forecast for Friday 10 September 2010

Forecast for Friday 10 September 2010

}Evoking One Another's Puissances{

We have escaped the |touchy third of the week| as of about 1p PT | 4p ET | 8p UT, but are in the Via Combusta twelfth of the lunar month. That lasts until early Sunday morning; but need not ruin the weekend. It calls for patience, depth, resilience, faith. There can be more questioning than usual, and melancholy. There is a need to probe into issues too often taken lightly.

Robust confidence can be called forth; then you take charge of the more immature in a decisive way they respect. Expertise in chemical, therapeutic, dietary or mechanical matters can make you popular or draw someone you like into your orbit.

Someone egotistical yet sincere may be a friend whom you have doubts about; yet he or she is interesting at least. Together you probe controversial matters.

You respond well to stimulating factors in home or community, some of them requiring practical adjustments, others purely social and cooperative. They enhance or color moods, mostly of a brightening sort. People want to interact even when they have doubts about you or themselves.

While the season moves toward autumn, you are tactful with people and the changes they go through in the same way trees change color. Let us hope they will be tactful with you too, while you divine one another's vulnerabilities.

Wonderful things can happen. There is depth of feeling plus a magnitude of high aspiration. People play while they aspire and aspire while they play. Pleasures contain hidden recesses of hope guiding you toward what you want to evoke, almost forcefully, from those who interest you.

{Friday} {Evoking One Another's Puissances}

Cosmic Piper

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