Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 3 November 2010

Wednesday 3 November 2010

}Balance Enforced{

The tough third of this week continues until Thursday evening. Costs of things and "the economy" are emphasized, and business cutbacks or careful accounting.

The Republicans are likely to find that cutting taxes is stupid and impossible at this point, and that cutting programs is equally impossible, unless they finally decide to cut back stupid, foolish, and destructive military spending. But they don't want to do that so will announce all kinds of stupid plans to make Social Security Market-based etc. in other words they have no ideas whatever and a sterile government or a government shut-down is what they want. Meanwhile the wealthy they represent will remain wealthy and the poor get poorer.

With Saturn in Libra the sign of balance, what could happen, if people were smart (they are not), would be intelligent, reasoned plans to work government spending out from a centrist position, as happened even under Republicans like Dwight Eisenhower, although he as all of them supported mostly the greedy classes. Because no one is willing to be "balanced" voluntarily, Saturn will enforce the balance in ways none of them like. The Republicans have nothing to be happy about. They will now meet reality and find it does not support their simplistic ideas.

Meanwhile escapism, with Mercury square Neptune, is likely to be the order of the day, so far as that is possible, and of course it is an illusion.

There are hopes for things to be "normal" once again, as the wish behind conservative impulses in the electorate. What is normal? Nobody knows. The old normal is not always the new normal.

Reducing suffering is important and you can do it, both for yourself and others, to some degree, and accept the rest of the suffering as a temporary means toward deeper self-realization.

With Mercury trine Jupiter in water signs, there is opportunity to become aware of healing ideas and transmit them to those who need them. What is "healing"? It has become a vague word though a useful one: Broadly, whatever ameliorates suffering and helps people to relax and trust that things are getting better. Physical healing follows upon mental healing, a key fact which unfortunately our culture in its pursuit of endlessly complicated physical healing methods forgets.

Angers stemming from ideologies can be lasting, and yet the unexpected, the peculiar suffering of one in the underclass, the unexpected illness of the ideologue, can dissolve anger into something approaching humbled wisdom.

The opposite of this is the special privilege which ignores others' work and contribution toward the privileged one. Karmically such privilege is doomed unless it awakens to responsibility.

Self-defense is important only when really needed. Otherwise it is paranoid worry. What we forget is that true prayer, if inspired by true teaching such as Scripture, is self-defense.

We can expect from some few at least, elders in the Senate perhaps, enough brain-power and experience to lead the dim-witted ideologues toward intelligent choices which will preserve the well-being of all and not just a few. To be helpful in building a community is to find community for the first time.

Finding the true value of ideas and plans is to be disillusioned by their inadequacy, often, yet in solitary meditation some can discern what lies beyond, what is possible, and what inevitable. Then this deep philosophic or mystical comportment permits slow not rapid resolutions within the body politic and fosters even personal relations of a happier more mellow depth.

{Wednesday} {Balance Enforced}

Cosmic Piper

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